Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, G-ATUD, 11 September 2009

Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, G-ATUD


The pilot made an approach to Runway 08 at Belle Vue in benign conditions with an easterly wind estimated at 10 kt. The approach became slightly high and the pilot reduced power. He became distracted by a high-sided lorry travelling along the road immediately short of the runway, and watched it clear the runway centreline. Returning his attention to the ASI, he realised he had not been monitoring his speed and the aircraft was low and slow. He added power but the aircraft sank and the landing gear caught on the boundary hedge, causing the aircraft to pitch inverted and impact the ground on the runway threshold, sustaining substantial damage. Both occupants vacated the aircraft through the door. There was no fire.

Download report:

Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, G-ATUD 11-09.pdf (237.79 kb)

Published 10 December 2014