Quik GT450, G-CDVZ, 10 June 2008

Quik GT450, G-CDVZ


The flight was planned from Carlisle to Mount Airey to arrive with two other Quiks. Arriving overhead the airfield, following a flight of approximately 1 hr 20 mins, the pilot observed the windsock indicating a wind direction of between 250 and 330°. He also observed the other two aircraft already on the ground. He decided to carry out an approach on Runway 25, as the aircraft began to descend on base leg, some turbulence was encountered and the pilot noticed that the ground speed had reduced dramatically. Just before touchdown the aircraft rolled to the left; the pilot regained control but after touching down the aircraft ballooned back in to the air. The second touchdown was on the nose landing gear, which sustained damage, and the aircraft became airborne again. On the third touchdown the trike veered to the right, the left wing dug into the ground and the aircraft came to rest. The other Quik pilots who had already landed considered the wind conditions had been very difficult. The pilot also considered that his judgement and ability could have become impaired as he had felt very cold during the latter stages of the flight.

Download report:

Quik GT450, G-CDVZ 11-08.pdf (238.52 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014