Rans S6-ES Coyote II, G-BYOT, 18 July 2008

Rans S6-ES Coyote II, G-BYOT


Whilst on a flight from Sutton Meadows Airfield, Cambridgeshire, the pilot found himself in worsening weather conditions with reducing visibility; he became disorientated and lost, so he carried out a successful precautionary landing in a field. Having established his position, he planned a return flight and took off, but became lost again. The pilot then made a second successful precautionary landing, before re-calculating his position and planning a further route, this time to Newmarket Heath Airfield, Cambridgeshire. After taking off again, the pilot found himself in worsening weather conditions and with limited fuel. A third precautionary landing was made into a field, but on landing the nose gear collapsed. The pilot had only previously conducted day VFR flights and did not have any navigation aids or a functioning radio in the aircraft, so he was reliant on visual navigation, map, compass and stop watch.

Download report:

Rans-S6-ES-Coyote-II,-G-BYOT-08-09.pdf (299.37 kb)

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