Reims Cessna F172M Skyhawk, G-BFPM, 9 August 2008

Reims Cessna F172M Skyhawk, G-BFPM


Following a flight in the local area the aircraft was landing back at Strubby, where there was a significant crosswind from the left. The initial touchdown was followed by a bounce, following which the left wing lifted and the aircraft turned to the right. The pilot applied full power with the intention of conducting a go-around, but the aircraft stalled into a standing crop to the right of the runway and turned over onto its back. The pilot was uninjured but an elderly passenger suffered a heart attack on the following day. The remaining passengers required on-going hospital treatment.

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Reims Cessna F172M Skyhawk, G-BFPM 12-08.pdf (398.65 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014