Rockwell Commander 112TC, N4599W, 10 March 2012
Rockwell Commander 112TC, N4599W
The accident occurred during a short field landing of a differences training and familiarisation flight. The instructor flew the approach and landing on Runway 18 as the student was not confident with crosswind conditions. From the windsock, the wind was estimated to be 250/260 at 10 kt. After the flare, the aircraft floated longer than expected and full power was applied on touchdown as there was insufficient stopping distance remaining. The pilot applied back pressure early in order to clear an obstacle and the aircraft touched down in the next field. The pilot then saw a dyke and trees and elected to get airborne once more. The port undercarriage hit a tree, resulting in the aircraft coming down backwards, causing significant damage to the airframe and leaking fuel into the field. The crew were uninjured and exited the aircraft unaided.
The pilot attributed the accident to flying the approach too fast with no headwind component and that the late go-around decision was due to the bright sunshine directly ahead reducing his visual cues.
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