Slingsby T67M-MkII Firefly, G-BUUD, 16 July 2006

Slingsby T67M-MkII Firefly, G-BUUD


The pilot was performing a solo aerobatics sequence, in good weather. The aircraft appeared to depart from controlled flight at a height of around 4,500 ft agl during a looping manoeuvre and settled into an erect spin to the left. After the aircraft had descended about 2,500 ft, the pilot transmitted a ‘MAYDAY’ call in which he said that he was in a spiral dive and could not recover. The aircraft continued to spin and descend vertically until it struck the ground. The pilot was fatally injured in the impact. No signs of a pre-impact anomaly with the aircraft were found, but the amount of evidence available from the wreckage was limited by severe ground fire damage and the possibility that a pre-impact deficiency had contributed to the accident could not be eliminated. Two recommendations have been made, regarding the wearing of parachutes and the performing of solo aerobatics while undergoing a course of instruction.

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Slingsby T67M-MkII Firefly, G-BUUD 10-07.pdf (1,687.29 kb)

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Published 10 December 2014