NK v Disclosure and Barring Service: [2024] UKUT 224 (AAC)

Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber decision by Judge Church on 29 July 2024

Read the full decision in UA-2023-001292-V

Judicial Summary

In this appeal the Upper Tribunal considered whether the Disclosure and Barring Service’s decision to place the Appellant’s name on the Adults’ Barred List and the Children’s Barred List was based on a material mistake of fact (as to whether the Appellant performed an unauthorised procedure on a patient by inserting his fingers into a constipated patient’s vagina to assist her to pass a stool).

The Upper Tribunal had the benefit of hearing oral evidence from the Appellant, who was cross-examined by counsel for DBS and questioned by the panel. No other witnesses gave evidence.

Having considered oral and written evidence, the Upper Tribunal decided that the Disclosure and Barring Service’s finding that the Appellant had done what was alleged was mistaken We accepted his evidence that he had cleaned the patient by wiping firmly from front to back with a wipe in his open hand and had not penetrated the patient digitally, as alleged.

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Published 29 August 2024