Public Law Project v Information Commissioner: [2024] UKUT 71 (AAC)

Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber decision by Judge Citron on 28 February 2024.

Read the full decision in UA-2023-001028-GIA .

Judicial Summary

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - section 31 - exemption where disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice prevention or detection of crime, or immigration controls operation - appellant wanted disclosure of criteria used in in automated triage process to detect sham marriages - appeal on grounds that FTT decision made on insufficient evidence or was otherwise irrational, or had inadequate reasons - appeal dismissed on those grounds - further ground of appeal was that FTT erred in not considering an information request that had been overlooked in the decision notice - Held: FTT had no jurisdiction where information decision failed (due to oversight) to make a decision on a particular information request - appeal dismissed on all grounds.

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Published 18 April 2024