Emergency Alert

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Cyhoeddir gan Lywodraeth y DU

Am ragor o wybodaeth, chwiliwch ar-lein am 'gov.uk/alerts' neu rybuddion a chyngor y Swyddfa Dywydd.

Issued by the UK Government

A RED warning for wind has been issued in your area. Extremely strong winds associated with Storm Darragh are expected to cause significant disruption from 3.00am on Saturday 07 December 2024. Strong winds can cause flying debris, falling trees and large waves around coastal areas, all of which can present a danger to life. Stay indoors if you can. It is not safe to drive in these conditions.

The storm may damage infrastructure causing power cuts and disruption to mobile phone coverage. Consider gathering torches, batteries, a mobile phone power pack and other essential items you already have at home.

Stay up to date with the weather forecast for your area and follow advice from emergency services, network operators and local authorities. For more information search online for 'gov.uk/alerts' or Met Office warnings and advice.

Sent by the UK government

This alert was sent to Cardiff.

Surrounding areas might also have received the alert.