Appeal a penalty for filing your company accounts late
Use this service to appeal a penalty from Companies House for filing a company’s annual accounts late.
Before you start
You’ll need:
- the company number
- the penalty reference
- the reason for the appeal
- any documents that support the appeal
Any documents you upload, such as a doctor’s note or an insurance claim, must include:
- the full name of the person or company affected
- any relevant dates
The maximum file size for each document is 4MB.
Start your appeal
It can take up to 30 minutes to apply. You’ll be signed out after 60 minutes if you pause your application and your answers will not be saved.
You can only appeal once against a penalty notice.
Read the guidance on late filing penalties.
After you appeal
Wait for Companies House to contact you with their decision.
If you have not paid the penalty, you may be contacted by a debt recovery agency or solicitors asking for payment. Reply to them explaining you have appealed the penalty.
Other ways to appeal
Contact Companies House if you cannot appeal online or need help to appeal because of a disability or health condition.