Appeal a decision about consent to display an advertisement

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Make an appeal

You can make an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate online or by post.

If you want to appeal more than one decision you must make a separate appeal for each.

You also need to send a copy of your appeal, including all supporting documents, to your local planning authority. The Planning Inspectorate will tell you how to do this.

Documents you must provide

You’ll need to submit copies of:

  • your original application
  • the local planning authority’s decision notice
  • all plans, drawings and documents you sent to the local planning authority
  • any letters or emails between you and the local planning authority
  • your appeal, if you’re appealing by post

You’ll also need to submit any other documents that directly support your appeal, for example your grounds of appeal.

You can upload these documents when you appeal online or post them to the Planning Inspectorate.

Appeal online

You must have copyright permission to use any drawings or other documents.

You can upload Word documents, images or PDF files up to 15MB. Do not send web links to files - send the files themselves.

All files must be:

  • a single document, appendix or image
  • given file names that describe what they are

Appeal a decision about consent to display an advertisement on the Appeals Casework Portal.

Appeal by post or email

Ask the Planning Inspectorate for an appeal form to appeal by post or email.

The form will tell you where to send the completed form and required documents to.

The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3 O/P
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay

Planning Inspectorate customer support team
Telephone: 0303 444 5000
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