Appeal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT)

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The tribunal hearing

You may have to attend a hearing where you (or your representative) will present your case.

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) will decide if your appeal has been successful.

You’ll be told the outcome of the case either at the end of the hearing or afterwards by letter.

Preparing for the hearing

You’ll usually be asked when you’re available to attend a hearing. In certain cases you may be told when a hearing will take place, but you’ll be told at least 14 days beforehand. Hearings can be held sooner than this under exceptional circumstances.

You’ll be told what documents you need to send to EAT and to other parties.

You may be able to get free advice immediately before the hearing if you do not have a representative - ask EAT for details.

You cannot claim any expenses for going to a hearing.

What happens at the hearing

You’ll present your case - someone else can do this for you, for example a lawyer, friend or family member. The other party will present the case against you. You may be asked questions about your case.