Apply or appeal to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)
How to apply or appeal
Check whether you need permission. You can appeal or apply without permission in some cases.
Fill in the form
The form you fill in depends on what your case is about.
You must pay a fee - you can apply for help if you’re getting certain benefits or on a low income.
Type of case | Form | Fee | Deadline | Guidance |
First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) decision | Form T601 or Form T602 | £303 - no fee for land registration cases | 1 month of getting permission | Leaflet T605 and T614 |
Leasehold Valuation Tribunal and Residential Property Tribunal decisions | Form T601 or Form T602 | £303 | 1 month of getting permission | Leaflet T609 |
Valuation Tribunal in England or Wales decision | Form T385 | £303 | 28 days of the decision | Leaflet T606 and Form T615 |
Compulsory acquisition of land (and other land compensation) | Form T371 or Form T370 | £303 | Get legal advice - it depends on your case | Leaflet T604 and T616 |
Restrictive covenant | Form T379 | £968 | Get legal advice | Leaflet T608 and T617 |
Public works | Form T371 | £303 | Get legal advice | Leaflet T604 and T616 |
Compulsory acquisition where owner is absent (greater London) | Form T370 or Form T362 | £1,270 | Get legal advice | Leaflet T604 and T616 |
Compulsory acquisition where owner is absent (not in greater London) | Form T370 or Form T362 | £1,150 | Get legal advice | Leaflet T604 and T616 |
‘Right to light’ dispute | Form T383 or Form T384 | £1,320 or £1,650 | Get legal advice | Leaflet T607 |
Tree preservation order | Form T371 or Form T370 | £303 | Get legal advice | Leaflet T604 and T616 |
Compensation for blighted land | Form T374 or Form T375 | £303 | Get legal advice | Leaflet T604 and T616 |
For any other case see the list of forms.
Send the form
You can either send the form online using the HMCTS E-Filing service or post it to the address on the form.
What to include
You must include:
- a copy of the decision you’re appealing against (if you’re appealing a decision)
- what your case is about, for example leasehold enfranchisement, rent increases, variation of a lease
- whether you’d like to go to the hearing - and whether you need special arrangements, for example because of mobility issues
- whether you’d like to call any expert witnesses
- a ‘statement of case’ - where you set out why you’re appealing or applying to the tribunal
- any other documents mentioned on the form
What happens next
The tribunal will decide if it can consider your case.
In most cases you will be asked to attend a hearing to present your case. You can also ask for a decision to be made without a hearing. The judge will decide if it’s necessary.
Get a time extension
You may be able to get a time extension for any step of the process. You must tell the tribunal why you need more time. You must also tell the other party in writing that you’re going to ask for an extension.
It costs £121 - make a cheque payable to ‘HMCTS’ and send it to the tribunal with a letter explaining your request. You must also send a copy of this letter to the other party.
Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)
5th floor, Rolls Building
7 Rolls Buildings
Fetter Lane
If you get a hearing
You’ll usually be asked when you’re available to attend a hearing. In certain cases you may be told when a hearing will take place, but you’ll be told at least 14 days beforehand. Hearings can be held sooner than this under exceptional circumstances. You can call a witness to support your case.
If you or your witness or representative is outside the UK and wants to give live video or audio evidence, contact the tribunal to request it. Tell the tribunal what country you, the witness or representative is in and what type of evidence is being given. You must do this as soon as possible.
You can check the daily courts lists before your hearing to find out if anything has changed.
Hearings cost between £275 and £16,500 (depending on the size of the claim) and are usually held in public. There’s no hearing fee for land registration cases.
You may be asked questions by:
- the judge
- the other party, or their representative (if they have one)
You can not claim any expenses for going to a tribunal hearing. The tribunal may order the other party to pay your costs if you win your case.
You’ll get a decision in writing after the hearing, usually within 3 months.
If you disagree with the costs
You can apply for an ‘assessment of costs’ if you won the case but disagree with the costs.
You must apply to the tribunal within 3 months of getting the final decision after an appeal.