Apply as a child to join or stay with a close relative in the UK

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To be eligible to apply to join or stay with a close relative in the UK you must:

  • be under 18 when you apply
  • have no other family members that can support or care for you
  • not be leading an independent life (for example, you must not be married or have moved into your own home)

Your relative

Your relative must:

  • be your close relative (grandparent, sibling, stepparent, aunt or uncle) but not your parent
  • have protection status (permission to stay as a refugee or person with humanitarian protection) 
  • not be settled or be a British Citizen
  • have enough money to care for you without needing to apply for benefits (public funds)

To join a parent who has protection status or is now settled (has ‘indefinite leave to remain’) after having protection status, you’ll need to apply for family reunion instead. To join a relative who is settled in the UK or is a British citizen, you’ll need to apply for a family visa instead.