Apply for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme

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Check if you're eligible

You’re eligible for a grant if both of the following are true. You must:

  • own the property you’re applying for (including if it’s a business, a second home, or a property you rent out to tenants)

  • be replacing fossil fuel heating systems - such as oil, gas, electric or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas)

You’re still eligible if you’ve already had funding to make your property more energy efficient, for example by insulating it.

Your installer must commission and install the heat pump within 120 days of applying for the grant or it will not be eligible. 

Check if your property is eligible

Your property must have a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). An EPC is valid for 10 years. 

If you’re not sure whether your property is suitable for a low carbon heating system, speak to an MCS certified installer. They can tell you about your options.

Biomass boilers

You can get a grant for a biomass boiler if all the following are true:

  • your property is off the gas grid

  • your property is in a rural location (check the Ofgem guidance for property owners if you’re not sure)

  • your boiler has an emissions certificate showing that polluting emissions are kept to a minimum

You cannot get a grant to install a biomass boiler in a self build property.

Properties you cannot get a grant for

You cannot get a grant for:

  • most new build properties

  • social housing

  • a property that’s already been given government funding or support for a heat pump or biomass boiler

If you own a new build property

New build properties which the developer is still building are not eligible.

If you move into a finished new build with a fossil fuel boiler, you may be able to get a grant for a heat pump under the scheme.

If you own a self build property

Your self build property is eligible if:

  • you or the original owner built it yourself or you paid a builder to build it

  • it’s never been owned by a business or organisation

You’ll need to show your installer proof that your property is a self build, for example, a copy of the title deeds.