Apply for citizenship if you have indefinite leave to remain or 'settled status'

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Apply for your children

You must apply separately for your children.

You can apply to ‘register’ your child for citizenship if they were born either:

  • outside of the UK
  • inside the UK before you were granted indefinite leave to remain

Read the guidance to check you can apply.

How much it costs

It costs £1,214 to apply for each child.

If your child is under 18 and you cannot afford to pay the application fee, you may be able to apply for a fee waiver.

You must also pay £130 for your child’s citizenship ceremony if they turn 18 during the application process.

When you do not need to apply for your child

Your child may automatically be a British citizen if they were born both:

  • in the UK
  • after you were granted indefinite leave to remain

You can apply for a child’s passport if your child is under 16.

Your child can apply for an adult passport if they’re over 16.