Ask your employer to set up a European Works Council

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Make a complaint

The Brexit transition period has ended and new rules on participating in a European Works Council now apply. This page is currently out of date.

Complain in writing to the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) about the way a European Works Council (EWC) has been set up or run.

Complaints about requests for information

You can complain if your employer:

  • does not provide information about the size or structure of the company
  • provides inaccurate information about the size or structure of the company

You must wait a month after making a formal request for an EWC before you can complain.

Complaints about creating the Special Negotiating Body

You can complain about incorrect ballot arrangements to create a special negotiating body (SNB).

Complaints about creating the European Works Council

You can complain that:

  • an EWC has not been set up even though there have been negotiations
  • your employer has not followed the right procedure for running an EWC

How to complain

Write to CAC and include the following information:

  • the name, job and full contact details of the person making a complaint and the person or business you’re complaining about
  • the right regulation number for the complaint you’re making
  • the reasons for your complaint

Send your complaint by email or by post to CAC.

Central Arbitration Committee

Central Arbitration Committee
Fleetbank House
2-6 Salisbury Square

CAC will get in touch for more information as they need it.