
Women’s land army and timber corps: veteran's badge application form

Application form for a Women’s Land Army and Timber Corps veteran's badge.

This publication was withdrawn on

The opportunity to apply has now ended.



You can get the veterans badge if you are a veteran of either the Women’s Land Army (WLA) or the Women’s Timber Corps (WTC).

Applications are currently closed

Applications for WLA and WTC veterans badges are currently closed because of coronavirus (COVID-19).


You’ll get the badge if you served during World War 1 or World War 2, or at any time up until the corps were disbanded in 1950.

You can apply for a badge if you are the spouse or family member of a deceased veteran, but only if they died after 6 December 2007 (when the badge was issued).

How to apply

Applications for WLA and WTC veterans badges are currently closed.

When applications open again, download and complete the application form. Return it to:

Women’s Land Army Team
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
2nd Floor
Seacole Building
2 Marsham Street


Updates to this page

Published 11 July 2012
Last updated 20 October 2020 show all updates
  1. Updated to show that applications are still closed because of coronavirus (COVID-19). Replaced the application form with a more accessible version.

  2. Updated to show that applications are still closed. This will be reviewed at the end of December 2019.

  3. Updated to show that we're not able to consider applications at the moment. We will review this in October 2019.

  4. Updated the address where the completed form should be sent.

  5. Updated the telephone number.

  6. Latest version of women's land army and timber corps veterans badge form published.

  7. Added revised version of the form which includes updated address.

  8. Added correct address to send forms to.

  9. First published.

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