
Becoming bankrupt is one way to deal with debts you cannot pay. It means you could be free from most of your debts - there are some debts you might still have to pay, like child maintenance debts or student loans.

There are two ways you can be made bankrupt. You can:

There are some things you will not be able to do when you’re bankrupt.

The things you own may be sold to pay for your bankruptcy and make payments towards your debts. This can sometimes include selling your home. It can also include other possessions if they are not essential and are worth a lot of money.

Your money and income might also be used to pay for your bankruptcy and make payments towards your debts if you do not need it all to live on. Find out what happens to your money and income if you’re made bankrupt.

You can get other types of help with clearing debt you cannot manage. Find out about other options for dealing with your debts.

Only individuals can become bankrupt. Find out what your options are if your limited company cannot pay its debts.

The process to become bankrupt is different if you live in Scotland or live in Northern Ireland.