What a BRP is

A biometric residence permit (BRP) can be used to confirm your:

  • identity
  • right to study
  • right to any public services or benefits you’re entitled to

You cannot use your BRP to prove your right to work or prove your right to rent.

BRPs are different from biometric residence cards (BRCs), which are also called ‘UK residence cards’.

BRPs are being replaced by eVisas. An eVisa is an online record of your immigration status. You can still get a BRP if you were told you’d get one and you made a visa application from outside the UK.

What’s on a BRP

A BRP will include:

  • your name, date and place of birth
  • your fingerprints and a photo of your face (this is your biometric information)
  • your immigration status and any conditions of your stay
  • whether you can access public funds, for example benefits and health services
  • the expiry date

You may also have a National Insurance (NI) number printed on the back of your permit.