
British forces overseas posting: Dhekelia, Cyprus

Find out about all the amenities available at Dhekelia Station in Cyprus: from recreational and medical through to schools and education.

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Dhekelia Station is situated within the Eastern Sovereign Base Area, one of 2 British Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus, enshrined in the Treaty of Establishment between the UK and the Republic of Cyprus in 1960. Dhekelia itself is on the northern shore of the wide sweeping Larnaca Bay and is situated some 15 km north east of the important coastal town of Larnaca and 20 km West of Ayia Napa, the premier tourist resort for the club music scene in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Within the Eastern Sovereign Base Area there are two British military stations at Ayios Nikolaos and Dhekelia, the latter being known as a Cantonment. It consists of some 7 sq km and is the headquarters for the Eastern Sovereign Base Area, a resident infantry battalion, an engineer squadron, and various logistic units, as well as UK-based civilians and dependents - making a total British population of just over 1,500 people.

Dhekelia Cantonment has many excellent sporting and recreational facilities with the emphasis on water sports. Amenities are constantly being enhanced and improved with the aim to create a village centre so that shops, banks, the NAAFI (Navy, Army & Air Force Institutes), post office, travel agents, medical and dental centres and welfare services are all within easy walking distance.

Enjoy your time on the beautiful island of Cyprus. There is much to do here, make sure to take advantage and indeed volunteer to help organise some of the sporting, recreational and youth activities which all add so much to the quality of life here in Dhekelia.

Medical facilities

Medical care in the Eastern Sovereign Base Area is provided via the Medical Reception Station (MRS) Dhekelia and the Medical Centre Ayios Nikolaos (Ay Nik).

Troodos has only a duty medic for routine ailments. Personnel have to travel to Episkopi for more serious medical problems.

Service personnel are automatically registered for treatment upon posting to Cyprus. UK based civilians and all dependents need to register for treatment as soon as possible after arrival. Registration forms are available during normal working hours from the MRS reception.

All service personnel, UK based civilians and their dependents under the age of 26 (or in full time education) are entitled to primary health care. Civilian visitors including non-dependent family are not entitled to treatment but MRS Dhekelia does not process insurance claims. EHIC are not valid inside the ESBA.

The service hospital is The Princess Mary’s Hospital, RAF Akrotiri. The hospital is manned by specialists and is also visited by specialist consultants from the UK. Travelling time to TPMH is about 2 hours from Ay Nik.

A comprehensive range of facilities are available at MRS Dhekelia including:

  • smoking cessation
  • physiotherapy
  • smear clinic
  • asthma clinic
  • community psychiatric nurse
  • minor operations clinic
  • weight management clinic
  • outpatients clinics
  • orthopaedics
  • paediatrics
  • obstetrics and gynaecology

The joint service health unit (JSHU) is responsible for the maintenance of environmental and occupational health standards and will check working areas and accommodation provided for all units and establishments. As part of the service provided JSHU will provide a pest control service to married quarters.

Dhekelia schools and education


Telephone: 00357 2474 4183

Dhekelia Early Years (formally Little Teddies Creche) aims to help children’s development in stimulating and supportive surroundings. In particular it gives the children the opportunity to socialise and develop a wide range of skills to gain confidence in playing and learning with other children. We work with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.

Dhekelia Early Years is open from 7.45am to 10.45am, Tuesday to Friday. We also offer a wrap around care facility which provides cover until 12.30pm. The wrap around facility is also open to Foundation Stage 1 (nursery) children. We take children from 6 months to the term after they turn 3 years when they then move up to Foundation Stage 1 (nursery) at Dhekelia Primary School.

Dhekelia Primary School

Dhekelia Primary School (DPS) is located on the Dhekelia Garrison in the Eastern Sovereign Base Area (ESBA) of Cyprus. The school is located just 200 metres from the beach.

The school has access to excellent facilities including a full sized astroturf soccer pitch a large well stocked library, a community room, a purpose built computer site, designated music and art rooms. The local crèche and nursery provision is all located on one site. School hours begin at 7.25am. The school is fully air conditioned. DPS has cooled water fountains and shaded picnic areas for the summer months. Also during the summer months swimming is offered at the garrison pool for years 1 to 6.

DPS offers many additional educational opportunities including clubs, school visits within the island, liaison with the local Greek Cypriot community, inter-school sports competitions, basic Greek language instruction, school shows and performances, music instruction in brass, strings and woodwind, a school choir and band, a visit to Egypt, a ‘day in the army’ and sports days (including swimming) plus much, much more.

DPS has a ‘can do’ ‘children first’ ethos. It was graded as a good school with some outstanding features in 2008. It has a good academic record.

King Richard School

King Richard School (KRS) is a mixed comprehensive school administered by Service Children’s Education (SCE). It provides a secondary education for the children of forces and support personnel who work in the Eastern Sovereign Base areas of Cyprus. It also accepts ‘non-entitled’ fee paying pupils.

The school which overlooks the Mediterranean is situated in Dhekelia Station, 11km from the town of Larnaca.

KRS is well resourced; it has an excellent pupil/teacher ratio, all staff being UK trained and fully qualified. The school buildings are up to date, with well equipped classrooms. KRS has the full range of facilities for ICT, creative arts, design / technology and science.

The library is generously resourced with a full-time librarian; we have our own playing fields and gym but also ready access to the station’s new gym, athletics track and swimming pool.

Pupils follow all aspects of UK schooling. We work a continental day, beginning at 7.30am, but our contact time and number of working days equate to the UK. We also work to the same holiday dates. Pupils follow the national curriculum, sit the Key Stage 3 SATs, GCSEs and follow the new post 16 curriculum.

A full range of subjects is offered throughout the school, with ‘options’ taken for GCSE entry. Sixth form students can select a range of A, A/S examinations and vocational courses which will suit their individual needs and abilities.

An extensive careers education is provided from year 9 upwards. There is also a special needs provision for any student who is experiencing learning problems. We provide full opportunities for pupils to undertake a range of extra curricular activities throughout the school year.

The head and staff pride themselves in running a friendly school which combines a positive, caring atmosphere with challenge. High personal standards are expected. We seek to provide opportunities which enable all students to reach their maximum potential.

Dhekelia amenities

On the base in Dhekelia village centre there is a large ERMES Store, Laiki and Hellenic Banks a Chinese takeaway and 2 coffee shops.

The amenities centre opposite ERMES store accommodates the HIVE, housing community support office, post office, Homestart, unit welfare office for the resident infantry battalion, travel agent and the BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Service) office.

The station also has a gymnasium with fitness centre, a hairdresser, barber, DVD rental, Visionhire (electrical shop) library and a taxi service.

In Alexander Barracks there is an ERMES Express, open from 8am to 10pm daily, Snug bar, barbers and beach bar.


The HIVE is an information centre for all personnel in the station (married, single, male/female, serving, dependents and UKBCs). The HIVE has free internet access, laminating and fax facilities and has information and leaflets for on-island and off-island travel and much more.

If you have any questions, call, email or pop into the HIVE.

Telephone: civil 00357 2474 4551

Lions gym

The gym is open to all military and dependents. Facilities include, squash courts, gym, weights room and aerobics classes.

An induction is required before use of the gym equipment. A swipe card can be obtained for a small cost to allow entry between 5.30am to 11pm daily.

Swipe cards

Military €8 deposit for duration of posting. Dependents €10 a year (for insurance costs).

For an induction and to receive a swipe card, visit the gym on Mondays at 2pm or Thursdays at 12.30pm.

Telephone: 00357 2474 4394/ 00357 2474 4655

Swimming pool

The open-air pool is located near Alexander Barracks. A small kiosk sells cold drinks and ice creams.

It is open from: 1 May to 1 October (depending on the weather)

Telephone: 00357 2474 4697

Key cinema

The Key cinema is situated inside the South Gate and is open on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Doors open at 5.30pm with films shown at 6pm.

Telephone: 00357 2474 4743


The library is situated on Gaza Crescent and is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm.

Telephone: 00357 2474 4744

British Forces Post Office

The BFPO is located within the amenities centre. It is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm.

Telephone: 00357 2474 4577


The bookshop is situated in the amenities centre. It stocks second-hand magazines and paperback books and open Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am to 12pm.

Craft Shop (Inspirations)

The Craft shop is situated within the Amenities Centre. It sells all sorts of crafts, candles, cushions etc.

It is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 1pm and on Wednesdays from 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 3pm.

Telephone: 00357 2472 3178


Dhekelia Station Church of Saint Barnabas is home to everyone in Dhekelia and is shared by all Christian denominations.

Sunday services are: 9.30am Station Service, 3pm Pentecostal, 6pm Roman Catholic

Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop is located near Watson’s Mole. It is the first left after CESSAC and open Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.30am to 11am.


The CESSAC complex is located opposite the South Gate on the waterfront. The CESSAC shop offers newspapers, magazines, cards, books, sweets, gifts and many other items. Next door is the CESSAC cafe which offers a range of traditional English cafe cuisine every day from 8.30am to 5pm.

Recreation and leisure

A wide variety of sporting and recreational activities are available to service personal and their dependents. All clubs welcome experts and beginners alike and most clubs have their own social gatherings.

Victor beach club

Located to the rear of Alexander barracks near the watersports centre.

Victor beach club has a drinks and snack bar it provides sun loungers, umbrellas, volley ball and has showers, toilets and baby changing facilities.

Summer openings: 1 April to 30 September, 10am to 5pm

Dhekeila watersports centre

The water sports centre is located behind Alexander barracks.

Opening times:

Tuesday: 7am to 12.30pm, 1.30pm to 3pm Wednesday: 7am to 12.30pm, 1.30pm to 3pm Friday: 7am to 12.30pm, 1.30pm to 3pm Saturday 7am to 12pm Sunday: 7am to 12pm

Activities include: windsurfing, snorkelling, water skiing, wake boarding, knee boarding, kite surfing, kayaking and power boat hire.

Telephone: 00357 2474 4733

Joint service golf club

The Dhekelia Joint Service Golf club is an 18 hole all year round golf club. Playing to ‘browns’. Membership costs are very reasonable.

Telephone: 00357 2474 4460

Sailing club

Situated next to CESSAC beach, Dhekelia sailing club offers dinghy sailing and power boating.

The club’s opening hours:

Saturdays: 10am to 5pm Sundays: 10am to 5pm Wednesdays: 2pm to 5pm

Telephone: 00357 2474 4840

Theatre club

The Theatre club is situated next to the key cinema. Several productions are performed every year and everyone is given a warm welcome. Tel: 00357 2474 4743.

ESBA sub aqua club

A range of facilities are available for the experienced diver, the complete novice and all those in between - including equipment hire, BSAC diver training courses, club diving expeditions and regular try dives.

Saddle club

The Dhekelia saddle club is situated outside the perimeter fence next to the SBA police station. It’s open to new and experienced riders.

Telephone: 00357 2474 4293

Dhekelia leisure resort

The liesure resort is located on the sea front near the sailing club. It has a restaurant and bar and open every Sunday for a carvery.

Telephone: 00357 2472 3182

Crusaders gliding club

Flying every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at Kingsfield airstrip.

Telephone: 00357 9957 7552

There are many more sports and activities you can get involved in including: tennis, netball, rugby, running, hockey and parachuting.

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Published 12 December 2012
Last updated 21 May 2013 show all updates
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