Financial help if you have children
Includes help when having a baby or adopting, child benefit and tax credits, support for childcare
Financial help when having a baby
Child Benefit
- Child Benefit payment dates
- Child Benefit if you move to the UK
- High Income Child Benefit Charge
- Child Benefit tax calculator
- Guardian's Allowance
- Child Benefit
- Claim and deal with Child Benefit for someone else
- Report changes that affect your Child Benefit
- Child Benefit if you leave the UK
- Child Benefit if your child lives with someone else
- Child Benefit for children in hospital, care or residential accommodation
- Child Benefit if a child or parent dies
- Child Benefit complaints
- Repay Child Benefit overpayments
- Child Benefit when your child turns 16
Tax credits if you have children
- Tax credits if you have a baby
- How tax credits and other benefits affect each other
- How to update your tax credit claim
- Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit
- Claiming and dealing with tax credits for someone else
- Report changes that affect your tax credits
- How to renew tax credits
- Tax credits if you leave or move to the UK
- Child Tax Credit when your child reaches 16
- Tax credits: your payment dates
- Correct a mistake on your tax credits claim form
- Tax credits checks
- Tax credits overpayments
- Tax credits: appeals and complaints