Horizon Europe funding

Funding for research or innovation that's ground breaking, improves European research standards or responds to challenges like climate change or food security.

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

We are delighted that on the 4 December 2023 the UK and EU have signed our bespoke new agreement finalising the UK’s association to Horizon Europe and Copernicus.

UK researchers can now bid into Horizon, certain that all successful UK applicants will be covered through the UK’s association (or through the guarantee) for the remainder of the programme.

All calls in Work Programme 2024 will be covered by association and the UK guarantee scheme will be extended to cover all calls under Work Programme 2023.

For more information, please read:

Who it’s for

Horizon Europe is open to all types of organisations across Europe and the world. Horizon Europe provides funding for research and innovation across 3 core pillars:

Pillar 1 – Excellent Science

Pillar 2 – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness

Pillar 3 – Innovative Europe

Some funding calls allow a single organisation to apply but many require a team of partner organisations to form a consortium. Usually, the consortium must be made up of at least 3 organisations from different countries.

Get in touch with your UK national contact point for advice on:

  • how to apply for Horizon Europe funding
  • how to form a consortium

What you can get funding for

You may be able to get Horizon Europe funding for projects which:

  • involve ground-breaking research or new technologies
  • improve research training and development, or research infrastructure
  • create growth in sectors like advanced manufacturing, materials, biotechnology, information and communication technology, nanotechnology and space
  • increase private investment in research
  • respond to challenges like climate change, food security, or healthcare for an ageing population

Find further advice and guidance on applying to Horizon Europe.

Find your UK National Contact Point (NCP) for advice

Support for all sectors

Cross Cutting Support and General Advice on Horizon Europe

Perry Guess
Telephone: +44 7885 677606
Email: ncp-crosscutting@iuk.ukri.org

Chris Young
Telephone: +44 7872 829176
Email: ncp-rules@iuk.ukri.org

European Research Council ERC helpdesk

Dr Antonino Puglisi
Telephone: +44 7745 105 383
Email: erc-uk@ukro.ac.uk

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

Anja Berndt and Peter Buchanan (interim NCPs)
Telephone: +44 7542 629 060 & +44 788 878443
Email: mariecurie-uk@ukro.ac.uk

Research infrastructures

Alice Chadwick
Telephone: +44 7759 830757
Email: rincpuk@stfc.ac.uk

European Innovation Council (EIC)

Claire Griffin
Telephone: +44 7517 830086
Email: ncp-eic-transition-accelerator@iuk.ukri.org

Widening participation among EU states

Ludovica Grossi
Telephone: +44 7745 105 378
Email: widera-uk@ukro.ac.uk

European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)

Ben Morris and Teresa Arumardi
Telephone: +44 7795 641229
Email: ncp-eit@iuk.ukri.org

New European Bauhaus

Hazel Dalgard
Email: ncp-bauhaus@ukro.ac.uk

Support within different sectors

Civil Security For Society

Zale Johnson
Telephone: +44 7880 462 093
Email: ncp-security@iuk.ukri.org

Climate, Energy and Mobility

Cinzia Porcedda (contact for climate)
Telephone: +44 7701 258 024
Email: ncp-climate@iuk.ukri.org

Conall McGinley (contact for energy)
Telephone: +44 7517 829 835
Email: ncp-energy@iuk.ukri.org

Louise Mothersole (contact for mobility)
Telephone: +44 7584 154 679
Email: ncp-mobility@iuk.ukri.org

Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

Kim Littlewood
Telephone: +44 79022 36583
Email: ccisncp@esrc.ukri.org

Digital, Industry and Space

Craig Sharp (contact for digital)
Telephone: +44 7920 750631
Email: ncp-digital@iuk.ukri.org

Catherine Holt (contact for space)
Telephone: +44 7468 715 507
Email: ncp-space@iuk.ukri.org

Anshumaan Ayyangar (contact for industry)
Telephone: +44 7564 048887
Email: ncp-industry@iuk.ukri.org

Food security, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Kerry Young (contact for food, natural resources and agriculture)
Telephone: +44 7517 132502
Email: ncp-food-bio-marine@iuk.ukri.org

Catherine Holt (contact for environment)
Telephone: +44 7468 715 507
Email: ncp-food-bio-marine@iuk.ukri.org

Paul Bello (contact for bioeconomy)
Telephone: +44 7769 886375
Email: ncp-food-bio-marine@iuk.ukri.org


Jo Frost (contact for Industry)
Telephone: +44 7597 526 207
Email: ncp-health@iuk.ukri.org

Tristan Fancourt (contact for Academia)
Telephone: 020 4589 0889
Email: ncp@mrc.ukri.org

Support for researchers and innovators based in the devolved administrations

Researchers and Innovators based in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Contact Point details can be found here:

Find your NICP contact

Researchers and Innovators based in Scotland

Scottish European funding enquiry form

Researchers and Innovators based in Wales

Baudewijn Morgan
Telephone: +44 7825 676660
Email: horizoneurope@gov.wales


European Commission

Find out more

Updates to this page

Published 29 September 2021
Last updated 21 March 2025 show all updates
  1. UK National Contact Points (NCPs) added for 'Cross Cutting Support and General Advice on Horizon Europe', and 'New European Bauhaus' under Support for all sectors heading.

  2. Update reflecting the UK’s association to the Horizon and Copernicus programmes being officially sealed today

  3. The UK agreed a deal to associate to Horizon Europe on 7 September 2023

  4. The UK agreed a deal to associate to Horizon Europe on 6 September 2023

  5. Updated department contacts and added details for devolved administrations

  6. Added contact number for Energy.

  7. Contacts for EIC added, contacts for Energy, Health and Industry amended.

  8. Addition of information link to guarantee, amendment of eligibility criteria, amendments to EIT and Energy contacts.

  9. Updated contact for Legal and telephone number added for Climate NCP. Innovate UK email addresses updated.

  10. Revised some contact point names and contacts.

  11. Major updates to contact points and individuals.

  12. First published.