Calculate holiday entitlement: Information based on your answers

The statutory holiday entitlement is 28 days holiday.

The employer:

  • can include bank and public holidays as part of the statutory entitlement
  • can choose to round up the holiday entitlement, but cannot round it down
  • must provide holiday pay during the statutory leave
  • can provide more paid holiday - this will be in the employment contract and is called ‘contractual leave entitlement’

Read detailed guidance on how holiday entitlement is calculated.

Your answers

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Does the employee work irregular hours or for part of the year?
Change Does the employee work irregular hours or for part of the year?
Is the holiday entitlement based on:
days worked per week
Change Is the holiday entitlement based on:
Do you want to work out holiday:
for a full leave year
Change Do you want to work out holiday:
Number of days worked per week?
Change Number of days worked per week?