Avoid and report anti-competitive activity

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Report anti-competitive activity

The way you report anti-competitive activity depends on the type of activity.

Report a cartel

A cartel is where two or more businesses agree not to compete with each other, for example by sharing a market or fixing prices.

Contact the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) cartels hotline if you:

  • know about a cartel
  • have been involved in one

CMA cartels hotline\
Telephone: 0800 085 1664 or 020 3738 6888
Find out about call charges

You may:

Report other anti-competitive activity

Tell the CMA if you have concerns about anti-competitive activity. Email general.enquiries@cma.gov.uk with the following information:

  • your contact details
  • the business you have concerns about and a description of the issue along with any supporting evidence
  • the market area according to the UK Standard Classification Index
  • details of any other organisations you have contacted

If you want help with a consumer problem, contact Citizens Advice (or the Financial Conduct Authority for consumer credit-related issues).

Report your concerns to an industry regulator

You can also report concerns about anti-competitive activity in certain sectors to a regulator. These are: