Certificate of proof of civil, passenger, other liability insurance
How ship owners, brokers and operators can apply to MCA for passenger, bunker, tanker and wreck removal compulsory liability insurance certificates.
Compulsory insurance certificates
UK ships and ships coming to or from the UK, or other state party, must have flag state certificates to prove that they have the relevant compulsory civil liability insurance against oil pollution. This applies to:
- bunker oil for ships over 1,000GT using oil as fuel – see Oil pollution: liability and compulsory insurance for bunker oil (MGN 507)
- tanker oil for ships carrying over 2,000 tonnes of oil cargo – see Oil pollution: liability and compulsory insurance (MGN 508)
Passengers and luggage (PAL) insurance
Vessels licensed to carry more than 12 passengers must have passenger liability insurance in the event of accidents.
UK passenger vessels on international voyages must have a certificate issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to show that insurance is in place.
Passenger vessels not registered in a state party to the 2002 Athens Protocol or an EU/EEA state may also apply to the MCA to get a PAL insurance certificate.
You’ll need to provide evidence of both “war risks” and “non-war risks” insurance when you apply.
Wreck removal insurance
UK ships and ships coming to or from the UK, or other state party, must have flag state certificates to prove that they have the relevant compulsory liability insurance for the locating, marking and removing of wrecks. This applies to all vessels over 300 GT.
The Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007 (NWRC 2007) came into force on the 14 April 2015. The MCA was able to issue certificates on behalf of the UK from this date.
The MCA is prepared to accept applications from non-state parties, however priority will be given to applications for UK-flagged vessels, and each application is considered on a case-by-case basis.
How to apply
Before you start
You’ll need a Blue Card addressed to the MCA.
Each Compulsory Insurance Certificate for each vessel will cost £31. Certificates are electronic and will be emailed to the applicant. Payment can be made online as part of the application. If you wish to pay via a rolling account select “don’t want to pay online” and we’ll contact you to confirm the payment.
You can apply for Civil Liability Certificates online by following these steps.
Apply online
- Go to the UK Ship Register service.
- Select “Sign in” to log into your account or if you do not have an account select, “create one now” at the sign in page.
- Once signed into your account, select “Request a compulsory insurance certificate” - you can request and pay for multiple Civil Liability Certificates in one application.
Types of certificate
The 4 types of certificate are:
- BCLC – Bunker Convention 2001
- CLC – Civil Liability Convention 1992 (Tankers)
- PAL – Athens Protocol 2002 and Regulation (EC) 392/2009
- NWRC – Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007
If you apply online, you’ll be able to view issued Civil Liability Certificates at any time and keep track of all applications.
Other ways to apply
You can apply by emailing uksr@mcga.gov.uk and providing the following information, along with the required Blue Card/s:
- vessel name(s)
- IMO number(s)
- GT
- type of certificate required
- insurer
- how you would like to pay
- Blue Card addressed to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) for each Compulsory Insurance Certificate
Approved insurers
An insurer must be approved by MCA before a Compulsory Insurance Certificate can be issued and the approved insurers’ details must match the details the MCA holds for them, any updates should be approved before a Compulsory Certificate can be issued.
Unknown insurers
If an insurer is unknown to the MCA, it may be because the Department for Transport (DfT) has not yet checked that this insurer meets the UK’s criteria to provide cover for the following conventions:
- BCLC – Bunker Convention 2001
- CLC – Civil Liability Convention 1992 (Tankers)
- PAL – Athens Protocol 2002 and Regulation (EC) 392/2009
- NWRC – Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007
You may still apply for certificates from the MCA, however before we can issue these certificates your insurer will need to provide us with evidence that they fulfil our criteria.
Please see the UK criteria for approval of insurers providing cover for the Civil Liability Certificates - Annexes A, B and C.
Applications supported by Blue Cards issued by an unknown insurer will be delayed until it has been confirmed the insurer meets the UK’s criteria to provide cover for the above conventions.
Certificate fees
Passenger liability certificates, wreck removal liability certificates, bunker and tanker certificates cost £31 each.
Please note, certificates will not be issued until payment has been received.
Payment methods
Payment must be made in full before certificates will be released.
You can pay by any of the following methods:
- credit or debit card – when making an application through the UK Ship Register service you can select “accept and pay online”, which will take you to a linked GOV.UK payment system
- MCA rolling credit account
The MCA does not issue invoices unless you ask for this in writing or by email. Please e-mail uksr@mcga.gov.uk if you need an invoice or if you have any queries regarding your payment.
Cancelled certificates
Each liability convention allows an insurer to cancel their cover of a vessel’s insurance by providing a set amount of notice to the issuing authority. Once notice is received that an insurer wishes to cancel their insurance for a vessel, the MCA will cancel the electronic certificate.
Contact us
You can contact the UK Ship Register by email, phone or post.
UK Ship Register (The Registry of Shipping and Seamen)
+44 (0)20 3908 5200
UK Ship Register (The Registry of Shipping and Seamen)
Anchor Court
Keen Road
CF24 5JW
How we handle your personal information
The MCA uses personal information we collect about you when you apply for a certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of one of the international maritime organisations conventions regarding compulsory insurance for a vessel or vessels.
To find out more about how the MCA looks after personal data, your rights, and how to contact our data protection officer, please go to the MCA personal information charter page.
Updates to this page
Published 1 May 2014Last updated 6 September 2024 + show all updates
Updated guidance on how to apply for liability insurance certificates.
Updated delivery charges to £35:00
Change to payment methods
Amend the payment details for credit and debit cards
Updated countries and dates.
Amended service level agreement
Price of Bunker and Tanker certificates has increased from £16 to £31.
The bunker and tanker overview has been updated.
Updated text
Updated text
Updated list of signatories
updated link
bank details change
updated office and courier cost
Updated certificate issuance time
Cayman Islands added to exclusions on Wreck Removal Convention List
Please note we are currently experiencing an increased number of applications due to the insurance renewal period. Any applications for non-UK registered vessels received on or after the 1st February 2017 are unlikely to be completed before the 20th February. If you require your certificates before the 20th February, we recommend you apply to another state party to the relevant convention.
The MCA is not able to issue Wreck Removal convention certificates to China from 11 February 2017.
Cancelled certificates section added and Finland Wreck accession added
Countries added and deleted from exemption lists
Updated flag states we can issue certificates to
Updated contact number for CLC Enquiries
Added St Kitts and Nevis to Wreck Convention and Fiji to Bunker Convention - dates indicate when we can no longer issue certificates
Please note, our bank details have changed with effect from 18 March 2016 - if you have made payment to our CITIBANK account since that date, please contact us for guidance.
Updated to include Wreck Removal certificates no longer issued to - Netherlands from 19 April 2016 and France 4 May 2016
Updated - The MCA doesn’t issue invoices unless you ask for this in writing or by email. Please e-mail CLCFinance@mcga.gov.uk if you require an invoice or if you have any queries regarding your payment.
Updated: MSF 3241 rev 1115 e-application for UK compulsory insurance certificates
Update - It is recommended that you make your CLC applications in good time if you want to receive your certificates by the time they are due.
Updated: UK Criteria for approval of insurers providing cover for civil liability certificates - Annex A & B
UPDATE: From 1 November 2015 all applications must be made via email. Further guidance has been provided concerning Insurers who are not listed on the application form.
UPDATE: Change to postal applications
Updated: With effect from the 1st November 2015 please use our Email Application form, MSF 3241. See further updates to; Passengers and luggage (PAL) insurance overview & Wreck Removal insurance overview.
Update: Montenegro – From 9 December 2015
Updates to Bunkers Convention, Tanker Convention and Wreck Removal states.
No longer able to issue sections updated
Update: Major delay on processing applications
Amended date of application after which certificates cannot be guranteed for 14 April 2015.
UPDATE - Processing delay of Wreck Removal applications.
Advice about processing timescale added 14 March 2015
Additional guidance concerning fees for Wreck Convention certificates added 9 February 2015.
MCA is no longer able to issue Wreck Removal convention certificates to vessels flagged in Malta – from 18 April 2015.
Details now provided for applications for NWRC – Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention 2007 certificates from 1 February 2015
Certificate of proof of civil, passenger or other liability insurance: document amendments due to the introduction of the Wreck Removal Convention (NWRC 2007) which is coming into force on the 14 April 2015.
Updated for new M-Notices, revised form MSF 3241 and states for which certificates can no longer be issued
First published.