Challenge your Council Tax band

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After you make a challenge

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) will confirm they’ve got your challenge. This is usually within a few days, but can sometimes take up to 28 days. 

They’ll review your challenge and make a decision. This can take up to 6 months for cases where:

  • there’s been a change that affects your property
  • you’ve been in your property and paying Council Tax for less than 6 months
  • your band has changed in the last 6 months

If you’ve submitted a challenge because you think your property is in the wrong band but these conditions do not apply, this can take up to 12 months.

If the VOA needs more information, they’ll contact you.

When they’ve finished the review, they’ll do one of the following:

If you disagree with the decision

You can appeal the decision in some cases. You’ll be told if you can appeal and how to do this when you get your decision.

If there’s been a change that affects your property

You have the right to appeal the decision of the VOA.

If you think your property is in the wrong band

You can only appeal the decision of the VOA if either:

  • you’ve been in your property and paying Council Tax for less than 6 months
  • your band has changed in the last 6 months

When you need to appeal

If you can appeal, you normally need to do this within 3 months of getting the decision.

You may be able to get the time limit extended in some circumstances. You’ll need to explain why you need an extension on the appeal form.

How to appeal a decision

In England, you can appeal to the Valuation Tribunal. The Valuation Tribunal is independent of the VOA. It’s free, but you have to pay your own costs.

If the tribunal agrees with you, the VOA will change your band and the council will update your bill.

If you’re in Wales, send it to the Valuation Tribunal for Wales.

Get help

The Valuation Tribunal has guidance on:

You can also contact the tribunal for help.

Valuation Tribunal
Telephone: 0300 123 2035
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