Applying for an adoption court order

To make an adoption legal, you need to apply for an adoption court order. This gives you parental rights and responsibilities for the child.

How to apply

If you want to adopt a child already living with you following a court placement order (known as ‘post-placement adoption’), you can apply online. 

You must apply by post for all other types of adoption such as:


The court charges a fee of £201 to process an application.

If you apply for post-placement adoption online, you can pay by credit or debit card.

If you apply by post, you can pay by credit or debit card, cash, cheque or by Bacs.

If you’re adopting more than one child

You’ll need to complete a different application for each child. You’ll only pay one fee if you submit:

  • all the applications on the same day, using the same account online
  • all the forms at the same time by post

Apply online for a post-placement adoption

The child must have lived with you for at least 10 weeks before you apply.

You’ll be asked for some personal details about: 

  • yourself and your partner, if you have one
  • the child including how long they’ve been living with you

Your application is only seen by the court and relevant adoption agencies or authorities.

You will also be asked for information that is on the child’s placement order, for example:

  • the name of the local authority who placed the child in your care
  • the court which made the order
  • the name of your social worker 
  • the name of the child’s social worker

If you do not have the placement order, your social worker or adoption agency will have this information.

You can save your progress and return to your application. 

Apply now

Apply by post

Most applications for adoption orders are done at a Family Court.

You need to send the court a completed application for an adoption order - Form A58.

If you’re adopting a child when you’re their special guardian, they must have been living with you for at least 3 of the last 5 years.

After you apply

It can take up to 6 weeks before the court contacts you about a hearing date. You do not have to attend any hearings.

When you’re granted the order

Once the order has been granted:

  • the adoption becomes permanent
  • the child has the same rights as if they were your own birth child, for example the right of inheritance

The order also takes away parental responsibility from:

  • the child’s birth parent or parents
  • anyone else who has parental responsibility for the child

Getting an adoption certificate

If your application is successful, the General Register Office will create an adoption certificate. This replaces the original birth certificate, and shows the child’s new name.

If you want a copy of the new certificate you need to buy one - you will not get it automatically.

A ‘full’ copy of the certificate costs £11. You can order:

You need the full version for most legal tasks for your child, for example getting a passport.