Claim if you were injured while serving in the armed forces
Additional payments
You can apply for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) while your compensation claim is being dealt with.
You might also be able to get:
- other allowances if your injury or illness is due to service before 6 April 2005
- an Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) if you were seriously injured on or after 6 April 2005
Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP)
Once you’ve had the result of your compensation claim, you might be able to claim AFIP if you’ve been seriously injured.
AFIP is £172.75 per week. It’s tax free and is paid every 4 weeks into your bank account.
You’re eligible if both of the following apply:
- you were injured on or after 6 April 2005
- you’re given a Guaranteed Income Payment (GIP) of 50% or more
You’ll get the payment as long as you’re entitled to this level of GIP. You won’t be reassessed in the future.
If you’re not eligible for AFIP, you can get a PIP if you have a long-term health condition or disability.
How to claim
Contact Veterans UK for a claim form. There’s no deadline.
Veterans UK
Telephone: 0808 191 4218
From overseas: +44 1253 866 043
Monday to Thursday, 7.30am to 6.30pm
Friday, 7.30am to 5.00pm
Find out about call charges
Claiming other benefits with AFIP
If you get AFIP you might be eligible for other benefits, such as Child Tax Credit.
AFIP is not counted as income when working out your what other benefits you can claim.
Your household is exempt from the benefit cap if you or your partner are getting AFIP.