Check how to claim a tax refund

HMRC will usually refund you automatically

You’ll usually be refunded to the account you included on your tax return.

If you paid by card, HMRC will always try to refund to that card first, even if you’ve provided other bank or building society details in your return. This is for security reasons.

HMRC will only pay refunds into UK bank accounts.

When you’ll get your refund

HMRC will usually refund you within 2 weeks of submitting your return.

HMRC does not send details of tax refunds by email. You can report suspicious emails to them.

If you do not get your refund

If you do not get your refund within 4 weeks, you can:

If you sent a paper return

HMRC will send you a Self Assessment calculation letter (SA302) once they have processed your return.

If you’re due a refund, you’ll get it within 4 weeks of the date on the letter.

If you do not get your refund

Wait 4 weeks after the date on the letter before contacting HMRC.

Your answers

Start again

1. What did you pay too much tax on?
A Self Assessment tax return or bill
Change 1. What did you pay too much tax on?
2. Did you apply for a refund when you completed your tax return?
Change 2. Did you apply for a refund when you completed your tax return?