
Oil Spills at Sea

Information on responding to an oil spill including your options, how to get a product approved and how long it will take.

Report a marine pollution incident

To report a marine pollution incident to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) call:

  • 0300 200 2024 within office hours (9am – 5pm Monday to Friday)
  • 07770 977 825 outside office hours (including public holidays)
  • If other numbers are out of order, please call Defra Duty Office on 0345 051 8486.

In all cases, oil pollution incidents should also be reported to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and a CG77 POLREP form must be submitted. Contact details for MCA marine offices can be found here.

Responding to oil spills at sea

There are 2 main options when dealing with an oil spill at sea.

Do nothing

Natural processes may disperse, evaporate and degrade the spill. This may be the best option when:

  • the quantities of oil are small
  • the oil is a type that tends to disperse or evaporate readily without intervention
  • no marine resources are threatened by the spill

Use an oil spill treatment product (OSTP)

Responders can intervene if an oil spill represents a safety risk, or poses a significant threat to commercial, environmental or amenity interests. The effects of any intervention must be considered. Various techniques can be used to respond to oil spill incidents, however some are poorly suited to marine conditions around the coast of the UK. Unless the oil can be physically recovered, the choice is often between leaving the oil alone or using an approved OSTP.

Request authorisation to use an OSTP during a pollution incident

In all cases authorisation from MMO must be obtained before an OSTP is used to treat an oil spill in the marine environment. Only oil spill treatment products from the Approved OSTP list can be authorised for use.

Once a request to use an OSTP has been received, MMO will consult with Cefas, the relevant statutory nature conservation bodies (SNCBs) and any other relevant authorities to ensure that specific scientific, environmental and fisheries advice is considered before making a decision. In all cases, MMO will aim to respond within 1 hour to authorise or reject the use of an approved OSTP in English waters.

Responders can use approved OSTP where there is a genuine risk to human life or to the safety of an installation or vessel without consulting with MMO.

MMO authorises the use of OSTPs  in English waters. Marine Scotland (0777 073 3423 or, Natural Resources Wales (0300 065 3000 or and Northern Ireland Environment Agency (0800 80 70 60 or authorise use in their waters.

MMO acts on behalf of the UK for testing and approving oil treatment products intended for use in UK waters.

Standing approvals

A standing approval is an agreement between MMO and a port or harbour authority, allowing approved OSTPs to be used under certain conditions and in specific areas, without seeking further authorisation from MMO. This enables a faster response to oil spills. Standing approvals may also be given to operators of oil and gas installations in coastal waters, or fixed locations such as terminals. All decisions relating to granting standing approvals will be based on scientific advice provided by Cefas. The relevant SNCBs will also be consulted to ensure it is an appropriate response within the specified port or harbour taking in to account environmental factors.

Port or harbour authorities, and oil and gas installations must report to MMO that they have used a standing approval at the earliest possible opportunity.

Standing approvals for England exist at the locations below. You can view the extent of each standing approval on the Coastal and Marine Resource Atlas interactive map, by selecting the standing approvals layer on the list of layers.

  • Fawley Oil Refinery, Southampton
  • Harwich Haven Authority
  • Humber Associated British Port
  • Tetney Monobuoy at the Humber
  • Lowestoft Associated British Port
  • Port of London

Standing approvals are issued by MMO. Any use of an OSTP under a standing approval must be reported to MMO as soon as possible during an incident, including any available information on the extent and success of the product’s use. A typical report will include the following information:

  • name of organisation
  • incident number
  • date
  • nature of spill
  • location
  • remedial action taken
  • product used (including volume)
  • date of manufacture of the product used
  • when the product’s ability to produce the intended result (efficacy) was last tested (if applicable)
  • comments on efficacy relating to incident
  • other comments
  • date of report
  • time of report
  • name of person making report

Standing approvals are valid for 5 years. To extend an existing standing approval, you must submit another application before the expiry date.

Approved Oil Spill Treatment Products

Only OSTPs approved by the MMO, and which are on the current Approved OSTP list can be authorised for use during the response to an oil spill incident in English waters. Prior to approval onto this list, products must be assessed for their efficacy and toxicity. The approval process is subject to fees.

Information relating to testing protocols, fees and the product approval process are available below:

Updates to this page

Published 11 June 2014
Last updated 26 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Update 26/02

  2. Change to locations that hold standing approvals.

  3. Immingham Associated Petroleum Terminal removed

  4. Standing approval location added.

  5. change to CTA

  6. Text added

  7. New form added

  8. 0870 758 1050 telephone number removed

  9. Oil spill treatment products approval flowchart updated

  10. Telephone number changed

  11. First published.

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