Care homes market study

The CMA has carried out a market study into care homes for the elderly, to review how well the market works and if people are treated fairly.

Case timetable

Date Action
1 December 2017 Statutory deadline
30 November 2017 Final report published
14 June 2017 Publication of update paper
16 January 2017 Deadline for responses to the statement of scope
2 December 2016 Launch of market study


Government responses to the findings

Final report

30 November 2017: We have published our final report on the care homes market, as well as short summaries for each nation, supporting papers and research we commissioned.

Working papers

Consumer research

24 August 2017: We have published a report on the consumer research we commissioned from Ipsos MORI. This qualitative research explores how people navigate the care home sector across the UK.

Responses to update paper

Update paper

14 June 2017: We have published an update paper on our care homes market study setting out our findings so far, our future focus and possible recommendations. We are inviting responses to the update paper by 5 July 2017. Separately, we have also launched a consumer protection case.

Decision not to make a reference

1 June 2017: The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will be publishing an update paper in mid-June 2017 which will set out our progress in the market study and invite views on our findings so far, our future focus and possible remedial action. In the meantime, in order to comply with section 131B(3) of the Enterprise Act 2002 (the Act) by 1 June 2017 the CMA hereby publishes notice of its decision not to make a reference under section 131 of the Act in relation to the supply of care homes in the United Kingdom.

Responses to statement of scope

Launch of market study

2 December 2016: The CMA has launched a UK-wide market study into care homes (including nursing homes) for the elderly. It will examine how well the market is working, including whether care home providers are treating residents and their representatives fairly.

We’re inviting comments on the issues raised in the statement of scope, including from interested parties such as care home providers and their representatives, charities representing older people and consumer groups.

We also want to hear from care home residents and their relatives who feel they may have been treated unfairly by a care home, because of concerns about the fairness of a care home’s contract terms or practices. More details including how to report your experiences can be found on our reporting page.

Updates to this page

Published 2 December 2016
Last updated 22 March 2018 show all updates
  1. Welsh Government response to findings added.

  2. Link to government response added to the page.

  3. Final report published.

  4. Working paper published.

  5. Consumer research and responses to update paper published.

  6. Responses to update paper published

  7. Responses to update paper published.

  8. Update paper published.

  9. Notice of decision not to make a market investigation reference published.

  10. Timetable updated.

  11. Responses to statement of scope published.

  12. Responses to statement of scope published.

  13. Responses to statement of scope published.

  14. Responses to statement of scope published.

  15. First published.