Energy Licence Modification Appeal 2023
The CMA has published its final determination and Order in the appeal by Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc against the decision of GEMA to proceed with modifications to their electricity distribution licences.
Administrative timetable
Published on 4 May 2023, as required by Rule 13 of the Energy Licence Modification Appeals: Competition and Markets Authority Rules (CMA70). Any revisions made to the timetable will be published on this website.
Date | Action |
29 September 2023 | Statutory deadline for final determination |
21 September 2023 | Issue and publication of final determination |
August 2023 | Consultation with parties and interveners on provisional determination |
Late July to early August 2023 | Issue of provisional determination to parties and interveners |
June 2023 | Main hearings |
24 April 2023 | Deadline for GEMA’s response and for any applications for permission to intervene |
30 March 2023 | Permission to appeal granted and published |
16 March 2023 | GEMA lodged submissions on whether permission to appeal should be granted |
2 March 2023 | Permission to appeal sought by NPg |
CMA final costs determination and Order
13 March 2024: on 12 March 2024 the CMA issued to the Parties its final determination and Order on costs in relation to the Energy Licence Modification Appeal 2023. Non-sensitive versions of these documents are published below.
CMA final determination and Order
21 September 2023: The CMA has published its final determination and Order in the Energy Licence Modification Appeal 2023.
- (21.9.23)
- (21.9.23)
- (21.9.23)
- News story: CMA partially upholds appeal on energy distribution licence changes (21.9.23)
Appellant’s Reply to GEMA’s Response
22 May 2023: On 15 May 2023, the appellant replied to GEMA’s Response to the appellant’s Notice of Appeal.
- (22.5.23)
Response to the Notice of Appeal
4 May 2023: On 24 April 2023, GEMA responded to the appellant’s Notice of Appeal.
- (4.5.23)
28 April 2023: On 24 April 2023, the CMA received an application for permission to intervene from Citizens Advice. On 26 April 2023, the CMA issued its decision on the application allowing Citizens Advice to intervene.
- (28.04.23)
- (28.04.23)
Appeal group appointed
30 March 2023: The CMA has appointed a group of 3 panel members to determine the appeal.
Kip Meek (Chair), Robin Cohen and Susan Hankey.
CMA decision on permission
30 March 2023: The CMA has granted permission to appeal on all grounds pleaded by Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc.
- (30.3.23)
- News story: CMA grants energy firm permission to appeal Ofgem licence changes (30.3.23)
Notice of appeal
2 March 2023: Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc applied for permission to appeal GEMA’s decision of 3 February 2023 on the proposed modifications to their electricity distribution licences. These licence modifications are based on GEMA’s RIIO-ED2 price control decisions of 30 November 2022.
- (9.3.23)
Any queries or submissions relating to this matter should be sent to
Updates to this page
CMA final costs determination and Order published
Final determination published
NPg’s reply to GEMA’s response.
Response to Notice of Appeal updated.
Citizens Advice intervention notice and CMA's decision on permission to intervene published.
Appeal group appointed.
Decision on permission to appeal published.
First published.