Eville & Jones / Vorenta merger inquiry
The CMA has investigated the completed acquisition by Eville & Jones (Group) Ltd of Vorenta Ltd (operating via businesses, namely Hall Mark Hygiene Limited, Meat and Livestock Commercial Services Limited, Probita Solutions Limited, Keyskill.com Limited, and OV Online Limited.
Statutory timetable
Date | Action |
3 May 2023 | Case closed |
28 April 2023 | Undertakings in lieu of reference accepted |
12 April 2023 to 26 April 2023 | Consultation on proposed undertakings in lieu of reference |
20 March 2023 | CMA to consider undertakings offered |
6 March 2023 | Decision announced |
9 January 2023 | Launch of merger inquiry |
15 December 2022 to 9 January 2023 | Invitation to comment |
2 November 2022 | Initial enforcement order |
Phase 1
Case closure
3 May 2023: The sale of the Vorenta business (including Vorenta Ltd, all its subsidiaries, namely Hall Mark Hygiene Limited, Meat and Livestock Commercial Services Limited, Probita Solutions Limited, Keyskill.com Limited, and OV Online Limited, all its assets, and all its key staff) pursuant to the undertakings in lieu of reference to Eville & Jones (Group) Limited was completed on 28 April 2023. This brings this merger investigation to a close.
Undertakings in lieu of reference accepted
28 April 2023: The CMA has accepted undertakings in lieu of reference in relation to the completed acquisition by Eville & Jones (Group) Limited of Vorenta Ltd. These undertakings involve the divestment of the Vorenta business (including Vorenta Ltd, all its subsidiaries, namely Hall Mark Hygiene Limited, Meat and Livestock Commercial Services Limited, Probita Solutions Limited, Keyskill.com Limited, and OV Online Limited, all its assets, and all its key staff).
- (3.5.23)
- (3.5.23)
Undertakings in lieu of reference consultation: closed
12 April 2023: The CMA has consulted on proposed undertakings in lieu of reference offered by Eville & Jones (Group) Limited for its completed acquisition of Vorenta Ltd.
- (12.4.23)
- (12.4.23)
CMA to consider undertakings in lieu of reference offered
20 March 2023: The CMA considers that there were reasonable grounds for believing that the undertakings in lieu of reference offered by Eville & Jones (Group) Limited, or a modified version of them, might be accepted by the CMA under the Enterprise Act 2002.
- (6.4.23)
Reference unless undertakings accepted
6 March 2023: The CMA has decided, on the evidence currently available to it, that it is or may be the case that the completed acquisition by Eville & Jones (Group) Limited of Vorenta Ltd may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition within a market or markets in the United Kingdom. This merger will be referred for an in-depth, Phase 2 investigation unless Eville & Jones (Group) Limited offers an acceptable undertaking to address these competition concerns.
- (6.4.23)
- (6.3.23)
- Press release: Merger could mean costlier and lower quality inspections for food industry
Launch of merger inquiry
9 January 2023: The CMA announced the launch of its merger inquiry by notice to the parties.
- (9.1.23)
Invitation to comment: closed
15 December 2022: The CMA was considering whether it is or may be the case that this transaction has resulted in the creation of a relevant merger situation under the merger provisions of the Enterprise Act 2002 and, if so, whether the creation of that situation has resulted, or may be expected to result, in a substantial lessening of competition within any market or markets in the United Kingdom for goods or services.
To assist it with this assessment, the CMA invited comments on the transaction from any interested party.
Written representations about any competition issues should be provided by the deadline set out above.
Initial enforcement order
2 November 2022: The CMA served an initial enforcement order under section 72(2) of the Enterprise Act 2002 on Eville & Jones (Group) Ltd (including Eville & Jones Holdings Limited) and Vorenta Ltd (including its different businesses, sunamely Hall Mark Hygiene Limited, Meat and Livestock Commercial Services Limited, Probita Solutions Limited, Keyskill.com Limited, and OV Online Limited).
- (4.11.22)
Directions to appoint a hold separate manager
27 April 2023: Pursuant to an initial enforcement order dated 2 November 2022, the CMA directed Eville & Jones (Group) Limited and Vorenta Ltd to appoint a hold separate manager for the Vorenta business.
- (27.4.23)
Revocation of directions to appoint a hold separate manager
27 April 2023: At the request of Eville & Jones (Group) Limited, the CMA has revoked the directions made on 16 November 2022, which directed Eville & Jones (Group) Limited and Vorenta Ltd to appoint a hold separate manager for the Vorenta business.
- (27.4.23)
Directions to appoint a hold separate manager
21 November 2022: On 16 November 2022, pursuant to an initial enforcement order dated 2 November 2022, the CMA directed Eville & Jones (Group) Limited and Vorenta Ltd to appoint a hold separate manager for the Vorenta business.
- (22.11.22)
Please send written representations about any competition issues to:
Carolina Ricciardi, carolina.ricciardi@cma.gov.uk
Darren Gysi, darren.gysi@cma.gov.uk
Updates to this page
Case closed.
Undertakings in lieu of reference accepted
Directions to appoint a hold separate manager and revocation order published.
Undertakings in lieu published.
Full text of phase 1 decision and full text decision following consideration of undertakings offered published.
CMA to consider undertakings offered
Summary of Phase 1 Decision published.
Commencement notice published.
Invitation to comment published.
Directions to appoint a hold separate manager published.
First published.