Infant formula and follow-on formula market study

The CMA is undertaking a market study into infant formula and follow-on formula in the United Kingdom.

Administrative timetable

Date Action
19 February 2025 Statutory deadline for publishing market study report
Autumn 2024 Publication of interim report
19 August 2024 Statutory deadline for publishing notice regarding decision on whether to make a market investigation reference
13 March 2024 Deadline for responses to the invitation to comment
20 February 2024 Launch of market study

Decision not to make a reference

16 August 2024: The CMA has decided not to make a market investigation reference at this stage. The CMA has identified significant concerns that the combined effect of the current regulatory framework, the behaviour of manufacturers and suppliers and the needs and reactions of people buying formula, are resulting in poor market outcomes.

The CMA considers these concerns will be best addressed by progressing with our market study and developing recommendations to governments to improve these market outcomes rather than moving to a more extensive market investigation. We expect to publish an interim report setting out our concerns along with provisional recommendations for action in October this year.

Update to timetable

26 July 2024: The CMA has updated its administrative timetable. Given the timing of the general election and the central role of government policy and regulation in this market, the CMA plans to publish an interim report on the market study in the autumn, and invite views on this. This will help to ensure that the CMA can effectively engage with the UK, Northern Ireland, Scottish and Welsh governments and provides parties the opportunity to submit views on the CMA’s emerging thinking.

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This update covers our recent work on road fuel prices, groceries, infant formula, vet services, online shopping and housing.

Launch of market study

20 February 2024: The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is undertaking a market study into infant formula and follow-on formula in the UK.

We are inviting comments by 13 March 2024 from all interested parties on the issues raised in the invitation to comment.

Personal information

The CMA may collect, use and share personal data for its market studies under the Enterprise Act 2002. This includes processing personal data for the purposes of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

For more information about how the CMA handles personal information, visit the CMA’s Personal information charter.

Updates to this page

Published 20 February 2024
Last updated 16 August 2024 + show all updates
  1. Market study notice and August 2024 progress update published.

  2. Timetable updated.

  3. First published.