Investigation into suspected anti-competitive agreement between Google and Meta and behaviour by Google in relation to header bidding

Investigation into whether Google and Meta entered into an anti-competitive agreement, and whether Google might have abused a dominant position through its conduct in relation to header bidding services.

The CMA has closed its investigation into whether Google and Meta entered into an anti-competitive agreement on administrative priority grounds. The CMA’s continuing investigation into whether Google has abused a dominant position through its conduct in relation to header bidding services (Case 51134) has been combined with the CMA’s investigation into Google’s conduct in ad tech (Case 51145).

Visit the Google ad tech case page for the most up-to-date information on this case.

Case timetable

Date Action
10 March 2023 Case closed
March 2023 Decision to combine the remaining part of this investigation (Case 51134, concerning Google’s conduct in relation to header bidding services) with the CMA’s investigation into whether Google has abused a dominant position through its conduct in ad tech (Case 51145). Visit the Google ad tech case page for further information
March 2023 Decision on administrative priorities grounds to close investigation into whether Google and Meta entered into an anti-competitive agreement under Chapter I of the Competition Act 1998
January to February 2023 Further analysis and review of information gathered
March to December 2022 Initial investigation: including information gathering, analysis and review of information gathered
10 March 2022 Investigation opened

Decision to combine this investigation with the CMA’s investigation into Google’s conduct in ad tech

10 March 2023: The CMA has been conducting a separate investigation into whether Google has abused a dominant position through its conduct in relation to ad tech (Case 51145).

Following its decision to close its investigation into an agreement between Google and Meta (see below), and due to the interrelationship of the facts and conduct in the two investigations, the CMA has taken the decision to combine the remaining part of this investigation (Case 51134) – concerning whether Google’s conduct in relation to header bidding services was an abuse of a dominant position under Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998 – with the CMA’s investigation into Google’s conduct in ad tech.

As a result, the CMA has closed this investigation. Updates on the combined investigation will be provided on the case page for the CMA’s investigation into Google’s conduct in ad tech.

Administrative priorities decision

10 March 2023: The CMA has decided on administrative priorities grounds to close its investigation into whether Google and Meta entered into an anti-competitive agreement under Chapter I of the Competition Act 1998. As a result, the CMA is no longer investigating Meta in this case.

The CMA is continuing to investigate whether Google has abused a dominant position through its conduct in relation to header bidding services under Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998. That investigation includes whether Google has abused a dominant position through its agreement with Meta.

Case Information

On 10 March 2022, the CMA launched an investigation under Chapter I and Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998 into suspected breaches of competition law by Google and Meta. The investigation concerns an agreement between Google and Meta in relation to Meta’s use of Google’s header bidding product. The CMA is also investigating whether Google’s conduct may have affected the ability of other firms to compete with its header bidding product.


  • The investigation was opened Chapter I of the Competition Act 1998 in relation to Google and Meta, and under Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998 in relation to Google. In March 2023, the CMA decided on administrative priority grounds to close the Chapter I investigation into whether Google and Meta entered into an anti-competitive agreement. In light of that decision and due to the interrelationship of the facts and conduct in the 2 investigations, the CMA has taken the decision to combine the Chapter II investigation into Google’s conduct in relation to header bidding services with the CMA’s investigation into Google’s conduct in ad tech (Case 51145): visit the Google ad tech case page for further information.
  • Find further detail of the CMA’s procedures in Competition Act 1998 cases (CMA8).
  • Changes to the timing of original entries in the case timetable will be made if the estimated timing changes.

Personal data

The CMA may collect, use and share personal data for its investigations, including investigations under the Competition Act 1998. This includes processing personal data for the purposes of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

You can find more information about how the CMA handles personal information in the CMA’s Personal Information Charter.


Updates to this page

Published 11 March 2022
Last updated 10 March 2023 show all updates
  1. Decision to combine this investigation with CMA’s investigation into Google’s conduct in ad tech, and case closure published to the page.

  2. First published.