Musical instruments: suspected anti-competitive agreements (50698)

The CMA investigated alleged anti-competitive agreements in the musical instruments sector under Chapter I CA98 and Article 101 TFEU.

Case timetable

Date Action
August 2019 Investigation closed on administrative priority grounds.
April to September 2019 Initial investigation: information gathering, including issue of formal or informal information requests to parties. CMA analysis and review of information gathered.
April 2019 Investigation opened

Case information

On 6 August 2019 the CMA closed the investigation on administrative priority grounds having had regard to the CMA’s prioritisation principles and the information available at the time. This decision does not affect the CMA’s four separate, ongoing cases in the musical instruments and equipment sector.

On 30 April 2019 the CMA launched an investigation under Chapter I of the CA98 and Article 101 of the TFEU into suspected breaches of competition law by various parties. The investigation related to alleged anti-competitive agreements and/or concerted practices in relation to musical instruments.


Assistant Director

Neha Dhaun-Brewer (020 3738 6615,


Brian Jackson (020 3738 6546,

Senior Responsible Officer

Ann Pope (020 3738 6786,

Updates to this page

Published 1 May 2019
Last updated 6 August 2019 show all updates
  1. Published: Investigation closed

  2. First published.