Northern Ireland Personal Current Account Order 2008 review

The CMA reviewed the Northern Ireland Personal Current Account (PCA) Banking Market Investigation Order 2008.

Case timetable

Date Action
August 2016 Final decision and notice of intention to revoke the order published
17 May 2016 Provisional decision published
18 September 2015 Deadline for parties’ submissions on the invitation to comment following the opening of the review of the order
28 August 2015 Northern Ireland PCA Order review opened



Final decision

Responses to provisional decision

Combined responses to the NI PCA Order and SME undertakings can be found on the SME undertakings case page.

Provisional decision

Review of order group appointed

28 August 2015: The CMA has appointed the group for the review of the order.

Alasdair Smith (Chair), Tom Hoehn, Philip Marsden, Jill May, and Ed Smith.

Decision to undertake review

28 August 2015: Following consultation and having taken into account the submissions of a number of parties [footnote 1], the CMA has decided to review the Northern Ireland Personal Current Account (PCA) Order. The review will consider whether there has been any change of circumstances such that any of the provisions of the order should be varied or revoked.

The CMA is also investigating the supply of personal current accounts (PCAs) and of banking services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and reviewing the 2002 SME undertakings.

This review will be conducted alongside the PCA and SME market investigation by the same group of panel members conducting the market investigation.

Invitation to comment: closes on 18 September 2015

The CMA invites parties and those interested in the order to submit any evidence and views on whether the order should remain, or be varied or revoked.

The CMA will use the evidence received and carry out its own analysis, and a provisional decision will be made by the appointed group members.

Please send written representations on the above issues by email by 5pm on 18 September 2015 to

  1. We received submissions from AIB Group (UK) plc (trading as First Trust Bank), Bacs Payment Schemes Limited, Bank of Ireland (UK) plc, Barclays Bank plc, the Consumer Council of Northern Ireland, Northern Bank Limited (trading as Danske Bank), HSBC Bank plc, Lloyds Banking Group plc, Santander UK plc, Tesco Personal Finance plc (trading as Tesco Bank) and Ulster Bank Ltd. 

Updates to this page

Published 28 August 2015
Last updated 13 June 2019 show all updates
  1. Notice of revocation published.

  2. Notice of revocation order published.

  3. Notice of revocation of the order published.

  4. Notice of intention to revoke the order published.

  5. Final decision published.

  6. Response to provisional decision published.

  7. Provisional decision published.

  8. Timetable updated.

  9. First published.