Performing Right Society undertakings review

The CMA reviewed the undertakings given by Performing Right Society Limited (PRS) in February 1997.

Administrative timetable

Published on 9 December 2015, as required by the CMA’s approach to the variation of existing remedies (CMA11). Any revisions made to the timetable will be published on this website.

Date Action
24 May 2016 Final decision published
March 2016 Provisional decision and consultation
15 January 2016 Deadline for all parties’ submissions
December 2015 Publication of issues statement
November 2015 Review launched

Final decision to release undertakings

24 May 2016: Following consultation, the CMA has decided to release the undertakings on the PRS in relation to the supply of services of administering performing rights and film synchronisation rights.

Responses to provisional decision to release undertakings

Provisional decision to release undertakings

23 March 2016: The CMA has provisionally decided to release the PRS from the undertakings it gave in February 1997, in relation to the supply of services of administering performing rights and film synchronisation rights.

Responses to issues statement

Issues statement

9 December 2015: The issues statement identifies the issues the panel members propose to focus on and invites views on these.

Review group appointed

The CMA has appointed the group for the review of the undertakings.

Simon Polito (Chair), Anne Lambert and Philip Marsden

Decision to undertake review

20 November 2015: The CMA has decided to review the undertakings given by PRS (now known as PRS for Music (PRSfM)) in February 1997. The undertakings relate to the supply of services of administering performing rights and film synchronisation rights.


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Updates to this page

Published 20 November 2015
Last updated 24 May 2016 show all updates
  1. Final decision and responses to provisional decision published.

  2. Timetable updated.

  3. Provisional decision and responses to issues statement published.

  4. Timetable updated.

  5. First published.