Simba Sleep Limited: consumer protection case
The CMA is investigating the use of price reduction and urgency claims by Simba Sleep Limited.
Case timetable
Date | Action |
25 July 2024 | Undertakings accepted from Simba |
15 December 2023 | Case launch |
This investigation forms part of the CMA’s consumer enforcement work, tackling potentially harmful online selling practices.
Undertakings accepted from Simba
25 July 2024: Simba Sleep Limited (Simba) has signed undertakings in relation to its online selling practices. The undertakings commit Simba to, amongst other things, an agreed set of rules around the use of discount claims and urgency claims (such as countdown clocks) including:
- avoiding discount claims that are potentially misleading: where Simba wishes to use a higher ‘was’ or comparison price, it must ensure that it establishes the higher price as a genuine price by achieving sales of the product at the higher price for a sufficient period of time and in sufficient volumes
- using clear and accurate countdown clocks: countdown clocks must not give consumers a false impression that they have to act quickly to avoid missing out on a deal
- Simba must also provide the CMA with a report within 6 months of signing the undertakings to demonstrate its compliance with the commitments
To further help businesses active in the online mattress sector comply with their legal obligations, the CMA has published discount and reference pricing principles: selling mattresses online. The purpose of these principles is to help businesses understand and comply with their existing obligations under consumer protection law when making discount claims in relation to mattress sales online. This builds on the CMA’s open letter: urgency claims and price reduction claims: compliance advice for online businesses, published in March 2023.
- (signed on 25 July 2024) (1.8.2024)
- Discount and reference pricing principles: selling mattresses online (1.8.2024)
- Press notice: CMA secures changes to Simba Sleep’s online sales practices (1.8.2024)
Case opening
15 December 2023: The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has opened an investigation into Simba Sleep Limited (Simba)’s compliance with consumer protection law. As part of this, the CMA is investigating Simba’s use of price reduction claims and urgency claims (such as countdown timers).
The CMA will now engage with Simba and gather evidence to consider whether the CMA thinks the company has broken consumer protection law. The CMA is at the initial stage of its investigation. Accordingly, it should not be assumed that Simba has broken consumer protection law.
This investigation forms part of the CMA’s consumer enforcement work, tackling potentially harmful online selling practices
- Press notice: CMA investigates Simba Sleep’s online sales practices (15.12.23)
- Director, Fred Houwen
- Senior Responsible Officer, Hayley Fletcher