SMS investigation into Google's general search and search advertising services

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is investigating whether to designate Google as having strategic market status (SMS) in respect of its provision of general search and search advertising services.

Case information

The CMA has launched an ‘initial SMS investigation’ under Part 1 of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Act 2024.

The CMA is investigating whether to designate Google as having Strategic Market Status (SMS) in respect of general search and search advertising.

Launch of SMS investigation

Invitation to comment: now closed

27 February 2025: The Invitation to Comment closed on 3 February 2025. Non-confidential responses are published on the consultation page.

14 January 2025: To assist with its initial SMS investigation, the CMA has published an invitation to comment (ITC) setting out the scope of our investigation, the main avenues of investigation and the potential issues and interventions we are currently considering. We invite submissions from interested parties on the areas set out in the ITC. We will publish non-confidential responses in due course. If your response contains information that you consider to be confidential, please also submit a non-confidential version of your response for publication.

Qualitative consumer research

The CMA intends to undertake qualitative research to inform this investigation, focused on understanding how consumers are using generative AI assistants for web search activities. The agency appointed to undertake the research is Thinks Insight and Strategy.

Invitation to comment on consumer survey on mobile ecosystems

24 January 2025: A full consumer survey has not been commissioned specifically for the SMS investigation into Google’s general search and search advertising services. However, a small number of questions were included in the proposed consumer survey for the SMS investigations into Apple and Google’s mobile ecosystems. These additional questions will inform this SMS investigation (into Google’s general search and search advertising services).

An ITC on the proposed consumer survey was published. Interested parties had an opportunity to comment on the proposed methodology and draft questionnaire. The questions intended to inform the SMS investigation into Google’s general search and search advertising services can be found under ‘search questions’ together with any relevant contextual information that may inform analysis (for example, variation across demographic groups). The ITC closed at 11:59pm on 28 January 2025.

The ITC can be found on the case pages for the SMS investigations into Apple and Google’s mobile ecosystems.

Stakeholder roundtables

January to February 2025: As part of its SMS investigation into Google’s general search services, the CMA held a series of roundtable events for groups of stakeholders to explore the issues and hear their views.

Roundtable discussions were held with Publishers on 28 January 2025, Advertisers and Media Agencies on 29 January 2025, and Specialised Search Services on 4 February 2025.

Summaries of the roundtable discussions are published below:

Administrative timetable

The table below sets out an administrative timetable for the SMS investigation. The dates set out are indicative only and represent our current expectations and estimates for different phases in the investigation and may be subject to change.

The DMCC Act allows the CMA to consult on proposed conduct requirements (CRs) at the same time as consulting on any proposed decision on whether to designate a firm with SMS. However, CRs may be imposed at any point after a firm is designated. The CMA may therefore focus on a set of initial potential CRs during the course of the SMS investigation, with further CR work ongoing, should a decision be made to designate the firm.
This timetable will be updated as necessary throughout the investigation if there are changes to these timings.

Stage 1: Commencement of the SMS investigation and consideration of potential initial CRs

Timing Milestone Engagement
14 January 2025 SMS investigation launch  
14 January 2025 SMS investigation notice sent to Google and published on CMA website Google invited to attend introductory meeting with CMA case team
14 January 2025 Invitation to Comment published Google and third parties respond to ITC
January to March 2025 Initial evidence gathering and engagement with Google and third parties in relation to SMS investigation and potential initial Conduct Requirements. This will include the CMA sending information notices and engaging with stakeholders through surveys, calls, meetings and workshops. Google and other key market participants respond to information notices. Bilateral meetings and roundtables with stakeholders.
3 February 2025 Invitation to Comment closes  
By end February 2025 Publication of non-confidential responses to Invitation to Comment  
February to March 2025 Further engagement with Google and other key stakeholders in relation to SMS investigation and development of potential initial conduct requirements. Further engagement could include, for example, forums such as roundtables and workshops.

Stage 2: Preparation and publication of proposed decision on whether to designate Google with SMS and consultation on any proposed initial CRs

Timing Milestone Engagement
April to May 2025 Further evidence gathering and analysis For example, Google and other key market participants respond to any further information notices
May to June 2025 Put-back process with Google and other parties on potentially confidential material within proposed decision on SMS designation and consultation on any proposed initial conduct requirements Google and third parties respond to put-back extracts shared
June 2025 Consultation on proposed decision on SMS designation and any proposed initial conduct requirements Google and third parties respond to consultation
July 2025 Consultation on proposed decision on SMS designation and any proposed initial conduct requirements closes  

Stage 3: After proposed decision and consultation

Timing Milestone Engagement
July 2025 Opportunity for Google to make oral representations on proposed decision on SMS designation Google provides oral representations on the proposed decision to decision makers
July to September 2025 Analysis of responses to consultation on proposed decision on SMS designation and any proposed initial conduct requirements  
July to September 2025 Further evidence gathering and engagement with Google and other parties, as required to assess or understand further particular issues raised in those responses Google and third parties respond to requests for further evidence and engage with the CMA including through, for example, participating in calls and meetings
September 2025 If necessary, put-back process with Google and other parties on potentially confidential material within SMS Decision Notice and any Conduct Requirements Notice Google and third parties respond to put-back extracts shared
13 October 2025 Statutory deadline for issue of SMS Decision Notice  
Alongside or following any SMS designation Issue of any Conduct Requirements Notice to Google, and publication as soon as possible alongside any Interpretative Notes and Compliance Reporting Notice  

Decision makers

The Digital Markets Board Committee (DMBC) oversees and takes certain delegated decisions under the DMCC Act 2024.

Sub-committees of the DMBC have been established under the DMBC to oversee and take certain decisions in specific SMS investigations, in accordance with their terms of reference.

The members for this investigation are:


Please direct all correspondence or questions in relation to this investigation to

Updates to this page

Published 14 January 2025
Last updated 27 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Non confidential responses published.

  2. Consumer survey and invitation to comment added.

  3. First published.