Compensation after an accident or injury

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Using a solicitor or a claims company

You cannot usually get legal aid for personal injury cases.

A solicitor should advise you on costs before you agree to hire them.

Get advice from Citizens Advice on what’s involved in taking legal action and how much it will cost you.

Claims companies

Businesses known as claims companies can help you find a solicitor.

Most claims handlers are not solicitors, and so will not be able to represent you in court.

‘No win, no fee’ deals

If you use a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement, you will only have to pay the solicitor’s fee if you win the case.

You may still have to pay for some other costs, like:

  • fees to pay for experts
  • court fees
  • travelling expenses

If you lose, you will also have to pay for:

  • the other side’s legal costs
  • other expenses and charges, such as fees for witnesses

The solicitor may charge a fee for winning the case.