Contact UK Visas and Immigration for help

Help with updating your UK Visas and Immigration account or accessing your account

Get help if you need to:  

You have a UKVI account if you ever:

  • applied to the EU Settlement Scheme

  • used the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to prove your identity when applying for a visa

  • created one when applying for a visa (you’ll have received a UKVI account confirmation email)

  • created one to get access to an eVisa (an online record of your immigration status) - for example, to replace a biometric residence permit (BRP)

Update the details in your UKVI account

You can update your UKVI account online if your details have changed. For example, if you need to change your address or add a new passport before you travel.

Sign in to your UKVI account to get a share code

You can use the view and prove your immigration status service to sign in to your UKVI account and get a share code. 

You can use your share code to prove your status to others, for example employers.

If you cannot sign in to your UKVI account

Recover your UKVI account if you cannot sign in to your UKVI account because you do not have access to the email or phone you used to set it up.

Create a UKVI account to access your eVisa

If you set up access to an eVisa, you will create a UKVI account at the same time.

If you are having problems, you can get help with your eVisa.

Contact UKVI online

Contact UKVI online if you need help accessing and updating your UKVI account.

Contact UKVI by phone

All times are UK local time. The contact centre is closed on bank holidays.

UK Visas and Immigration contact centre
Telephone: +44 (0)300 790 6268 - select option 3
Telephone: +44 (0)203 875 4669, if you are unable to dial 0300 numbers
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday, 9:30am to 4:30pm
Find out about call charges

Your answers

Start again

1. Where are you contacting UKVI from?
Inside the UK
Change 1. Where are you contacting UKVI from?
2. What is your question about?
Accessing your UK Visas and Immigration account
Change 2. What is your question about?
3. Have you finished an application to continue living in the UK?
Yes - I’ve received a decision on my application
Change 3. Have you finished an application to continue living in the UK?