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Contact UK Visas and Immigration for help

eVisa (online immigration status)

An eVisa is an online record of your immigration status.

You only need to get access to your eVisa if you’ve had an email from the Home Office about it.

If you’ve not been emailed by the Home Office, you do not need to do anything yet. You’ll be able to get access later on.

If the Home Office have sent you an email

Use this service to get access to your eVisa.

If you need help with your eVisa

Before you contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI), read the guidance which explains why you need an eVisa and how to get one.

Contact UKVI online if you need help creating your UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) account or getting access to your eVisa.

Your answers

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1. Where are you contacting UKVI from?
Inside the UK
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2. What is your question about?
eVisa (online immigration status)
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