Check if you can claim Research & Development (R&D) tax relief
Find out what R&D tax relief is and if your project qualifies for Corporation Tax relief.
What R&D tax relief is
Research and Development (R&D) tax relief supports companies that work on innovative projects in science and technology. To qualify for R&D relief, a project must seek an advance in a field of science or technology.
Only companies chargeable to UK Corporation Tax can qualify for this relief.
What is a field of science or technology
Science is the systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the physical and material universe.
From 1 April 2023 mathematical advances can be treated as science for these purposes, whether or not they are advances in representing the nature and behaviour of the physical and material universe.
Technology is the practical application of scientific principles or knowledge.
An advance in knowledge or capability in science or technology may either:
- have physical consequences
- be an increase in overall knowledge
An advance in knowledge or capability in science or technology may have physical consequences or may be an increase in overall knowledge. In either case, a competent professional working in that field would recognise the advance as an appreciable improvement.
Appreciable improvement means to change or adapt the scientific or technological characteristics of something to the point where it is ‘better’ than the original.
The improvements may include:
creating a process, material, device, product or service that increases overall knowledge or capability in a field of science or technology
appreciably improving an existing process, material, device, product or service, for example to save costs or reduce waste (this refers to genuine non-trivial improvements which result in more than a minor or routine upgrade)
using science or technology to copy the effect of a current process, material, device, product or service in a new or improved way
Advances in the field
Your project must aim to create an advance in the overall field, not just for your business.
The process, product or service can still be an advance if it’s been developed by another company but is not publicly known or available.
You cannot claim if the advance sought is in:
the arts
social sciences, including economics
What projects qualify for the relief
To qualify for R&D relief, your project must seek an advance in a field of science or technology by resolving scientific or technological uncertainty.
A scientific or technological uncertainty
A scientific or technological uncertainty exists when an expert on the subject cannot say if something is technologically possible, or how it can be done, even after referring to all the available evidence.
This means that your company or experts in the field cannot already know about the advance or the way to solve it.
Explaining how you tried to overcome the scientific or technological uncertainty
You need to be able to explain the work you did to overcome the uncertainty. This can be a simple description of the successes and failures you had during the project. Show that a professional in the field could not work this out. You should explain why a professional could not easily work out your advance. You can do this by showing that other attempts to find a solution had failed.
You can also show that the people working on your project are professionals in that field and get them to explain the scientific or technological uncertainties involved.
If you’re not sure whether your project qualifies for R&D tax relief, check:
- the definition of R&D in the Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual
- the guidelines on the meaning of R&D for tax purposes
What you need to do next
After you’ve checked what R&D is and that your project qualifies, check what R&D costs you can claim.
Updates to this page
Added translation
Information on types of Research and Development (R&D) tax reliefs for accounting periods beginning before 1 April 2024, and on or after 1 April 2024 have been updated.
Added a link to what work qualifies as R&D for tax purposes.
The information about when you must submit an additional information form has been updated from '1 August 2023' to '8 August 2023', and the text regarding voluntary submission of the additional information form before the mandatory date has been removed in step 2 of section 'Before you claim'.
Updates have been made throughout this guidance to clarify what R&D tax reliefs are and the projects that count as R&D. A new section has been added to tell you what you need to do before you claim R&D tax relief for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2023 and for claims from 1 August 2023.
Updated to show the Research and Development Expenditure Credit will increase to 13% of qualifying research and development expenditure from 1 April 2020.
The guidance has been updated to show new rates for 2018.
The guidance has been updated to show who can make an amended claim to tax relief for reimbursed expense, and how to make a claim.
The link free pre-recorded webinar in Further information section has been updated.
A new pre-recorded webinar for R&D Advance Assurance has been added to this page.
A new pre-recorded webinar giving an overview on Advance Assurance has been added to this page.
This guide has been shortened to give overall guidance to R&D tax relief. Two new guides have been published in addition to give R&D more specific R&D guidance. One is for large company guidance and the other for small to medium enterprises.
This guidance has been updated to include information about R&D Advance Assurance.
First published.