Correct a birth registration

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Who can apply

The following people can apply for a correction:

  • the mother
  • the father (if his details are on the certificate)

If you’re applying to change a child’s name and both parents are named on the certificate, both must sign the application form.

The child named on the certificate may be able to apply for a correction if their parents are not available.

Removing the wrong father’s details

It is not always necessary for the named father to take part in the correction process. The General Register Office (GRO) can correct the entry if 2 of the following people apply to have it changed:

  • the mother
  • the natural father
  • the man named on the birth certificate as the father

At least one of these must sign the application form.

You need to provide contact addresses for the mother, the man named as the father on the certificate and the true biological father (if he took part in a DNA test).