RP15: Concrete yard renewal
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the concrete yard renewal item.
This item is part of Capital Grants. You must read the Capital items: guidance for applicants and agreement holders to understand the rules and how to apply.
How much you’ll be paid
£33.64 per square metre (m2).
How this item benefits the environment
Upgrading existing outdoor (uncovered) yards improves how slurry and other effluents are managed and makes it easier to clean the yard. This reduces the risk of water and air pollution.
This item can help you protect, recover and improve biodiversity on your land.
Where you can use this item
You can only use this item with support from Catchment Sensitive Farming:
- on farms targeted to reduce water and air pollution from agriculture
- where renewing the concrete will reduce pollution, including keeping slurry and effluent separate from clean water
- where the concrete covering the yard is used to direct slurry, contaminated water and effluent into systems which contain and manage them – it must comply with relevant legislation
Catchment Sensitive Farming provides advice where there are water quality or flood risk issues linked to farming.
You must contact your local planning authority to get advice and to check if planning permission is needed.
You cannot use this item:
- on covered or indoor yards
- for the flooring of silage clamps, manure or slurry stores
- in areas housing livestock
- where the pollution issue or risk has been created within the past 5 years (for example, by development of new buildings)
- where the proposal will lead to the expansion or intensification of your business
- on historic or archaeological features identified in your Historic Environment Farm Environment Record (HEFER)
- on areas of wildlife interest identified on your Farm Environment Record (FER) or on MAGIC
What you must do to use this item
You must:
- construct an upgraded concrete base to make it easier to clean and manage yard run-off, whilst not increasing the risk of silage or manure effluent loss
- construct the base with concrete at least 150 millimetres (mm) thick on compacted and blinded hardcore that’s at least 150mm thick
- reinforce the concrete base (for example, with weldmesh or structural fibres) to minimise cracking and distribute the loads exerted by livestock or farm vehicles
- lay the concrete in bays and treat all joints with sealant that’s resistant to effluent damage
- only fully load the concrete when it achieves its design strength (after 28 days)
You must not roof over an outside yard receiving aid through this item (even at your own expense).
Evidence you must keep
You must keep written support from your Catchment Sensitive Farming adviser and provide with your application.
You must also keep and provide with your claim:
- photographs of the site during the different stages of construction or contracts, invoices or other documents confirming the technical specification for the completed works
- photographs of the completed works
- any consents or permissions from the local planning authority
Your local authority makes decisions about what needs planning consent. We need you to submit evidence that you have consulted with them and what they have advised. This will either be planning permission, or evidence from your local authority that planning permission is not required, in the form of a letter or an email. If you have difficulty obtaining a letter or email as evidence, we can accept details of your telephone conversation with them including the date, time and name of the person who gave the information. If you are providing a link to show planning permission is not required, that link must be from your local authority website.
If you do not need consent/advice, please tell us and provide one of the following:
- a letter from the relevant authority confirming you do not need permission
- if a confirmation letter from a local authority is not possible, a note of a telephone conversation with the authority, which details names, date, and time
- a link to online guidance or printout of guidance text which shows you do not need permission
You must also keep and provide on request:
- receipted invoices, or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable
- photographs of site before works start
- any consents or permissions connected with the work (in addition to the ones provided with your claim)
Read the record keeping and site visit requirements in the Agreement holder’s guide: Capital Grants, Higher Tier capital grants and Protection and Infrastructure grants for more information.
Other items you can use with this item
You can use this item with these items:
RP13: Yard - underground drainage pipework
Advice to help you use this item
The following advice may help you to use this item, but you do not have to follow it to get paid. It’s not part of this item’s requirements.
British Standards
Check to make sure the work meets relevant British Standards.
Choosing a location
You can locate this item:
- in high traffic areas or in livestock movement and loafing areas within the curtilage of the farmyard
- on uncovered outdoor yards made of concrete, hardcore, stone, gravel, tarmac or bare earth within the curtilage of the farmyard
Keeping clean water and slurry separate
You should not let slurry, effluent or contaminated water mix with clean water. Plan how to manage any additional runoff from the impermeable concrete area. To do this, you may need to reassess the yard drainage which may include adding :
- cross drains
- catchpits
- gullies
- kerbs
- sleeping policemen
Protecting soil, water and air from pollution
Read the Code of Good Agricultural Practice about protecting soil, water and air from pollution.
Updates to this page
Updates made to the evidence you must keep section to make is more clear
General improvement for clarity.
Where to use this item, Where this item cannot be used, Keeping records sections of this page have been updated
'Air quality' added to Land use.
Amended wording in Where to use this item, How this item will benefit the environment, Requirements and Advice and suggestions for how to carry out this item.
Added in links to Capital Grants manual as this option is now available for Capital Grants
The Keeping records section of this page has been updated
Additional bullet added * without relevant advice or permission from the Local Planning Authority under the Where this item cannot be used section
Updated for 2017 applications.
Information updated for applications in 2016
First published.