FY3: Squirrel traps and maintenance

Find out about the aim and requirements for squirrel traps and maintenance.

How much will be paid

Under this item we will pay 80% of actual costs (including VAT and agent’s fees, where applicable).

If you are using your own labour to complete this item, we will pay 80% of the 80% value.

Where to use this item

It’s available for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier on land parcels where woodland improvement option WD2 is present and on adjacent areas (which are registered to you, the applicant) from which grey squirrels are likely to re-colonise.

This item can only be used if applied for in conjunction with both the following options:

The Forestry Commission will assess your application for this capital item before you are offered an agreement.

Where this item cannot be used

  • Where only grey squirrels are present and are not causing impacts to woodlands
  • Where only red squirrels are present

How this item will benefit the environment

Effective use of this supplement will:

  • limit damage to establishing, growing and mature trees
  • support red squirrel populations (where present)
  • increase control of an invasive species
  • support conservation and composition of native woodland


To manage the population of invasive grey squirrels, help increase the population of native red squirrels and reduce impacts on woodlands.


  • You must present detailed specifications relevant to the individual site including the number of traps, type of traps, bait stations, drey poles and maintenance with your draft Squirrel Control Plan for the FC specialist approval
  • Send in at least 3 written quotations identifying all associated costs for completing the work in line with the specifications

Keeping records

You must send the following with your application.

  • Draft Squirrel Control Plan as agreed with your FC Woodland Officer/Deer Officer

You must keep the following records and supply them with your payment claim.

  • Photographic evidence of the traps, bait stations or poles
  • Receipted invoices for the materials and labour (maintenance element)
  • Receipted invoices, or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable

Records to evidence scheduled maintenance of the traps, bait stations or poles.

Please see the record keeping and inspection requirements as set out in the relevant Higher Tier guidance for more detail. You can find the latest guidance at Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage.

Additional guidance and advice

You can find detailed guidance on squirrel control and management in Forestry Commission Operations Note 60.

Read Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage to find out more information about Higher Tier including how to apply.

Agreement holders are likely to need to consider:

  • Using only legally approved traps and commercially available poles
  • The use, siting and protection of traps so as to prevent the capture of species other than grey squirrels
  • Not using lethal traps in areas where red squirrels are present
  • The protection of the tree, if a tree is used as an anchor point or support for traps or bait points
  • The health and safety of authorised users – care in the use of lethal traps and drey poles

What the management plan needs to include:

The woodland management plan identifies grey squirrels are a threat to the woodland’s condition. Further support for this supplement can be found in Forestry Commission Operations Note 60.

Find more information in the UKFS Technical note, Controlling grey squirrels in forests and woodlands in the UK.

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Published 7 February 2023