RP1: Resurfacing of gateways

Find out about eligibility and requirements for the resurfacing of gateways item.

This item is part of Capital Grants. You must read the Capital items: guidance for applicants and agreement holders to understand the rules and how to apply.

How much you’ll be paid 

£136.95 per gateway.

How this item benefits the environment

This item provides a strengthened surface at a field gateway. It reduces surface runoff, soil erosion and risk of water pollution.

This item can help you protect, recover and improve biodiversity on your land.

Where you can use this item 

You can only use this item in areas targeted to reduce water pollution from agriculture. Catchment Sensitive Farming provides advice where there are water quality or flood risk issues linked to farming.

You must get advice or consent from the Highways Authority if a public right of way passes through the gateway.

You cannot use this item:

  • where a public right of way passes through the gateway without relevant advice or consent from the Highways Authority
  • on historic or archaeological features identified in your  Historic Environment Farm Environment Record (HEFER)

What you must do to use this item

You must:

  • excavate the full width of the gateway by the full length of the gate (when it is open into the field at 90 degrees)
  • excavate to a depth of at least 150 millimetres (mm) or until there’s a naturally occurring hard surface
  • remove the excavated soil from the gateway area and spread it on the verges of the field track (allowing for drainage)
  • overlay the excavated area with a geotextile membrane
  • fill the excavated area with aggregate (hardcore) to a consolidated depth of at least 150mm or so the new gateway is level with the existing track

You must not spread the excavated soil on any environmental or historic features identified in your HEFER.

Evidence you must keep 

You must keep and provide with your claim:

  • photographs of the completed work
  • any consents or permissions connected with the work

You must also keep and provide on request:

  • receipted invoices or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable
  • photographs of the existing gateway before works start

Read the record keeping and site visit requirements in the Agreement holder’s guide: Capital Grants, Higher Tier capital grants and Protection and Infrastructure grants for more information.

Other items you can use with this item

You can use this item with RP2: Gateway relocation.

Advice to help you use this item

The following advice may help you to use this item, but you do not have to follow it to get paid. It’s not part of this item’s requirements. 

British Standards 

Check to make sure the works meet relevant British Standards.

Materials and area of resurfacing

When carrying out the work:

  • the area you’ll resurface should be appropriate for the size of the gateway and the type of traffic that’ll move through it
  • compact each layer of hard core well down before adding another layer, making sure each layer is 150mm or less thick
  • get advice from the Environment Agency if you’ll be using road planings, waste or recycled materials as hardcore

Updates to this page

Published 2 April 2015
Last updated 3 February 2025 show all updates
  1. General improvement for clarity.

  2. Removal of text confirming RP1 Resurfacing of gateways availability under Countryside Stewardship Capital Grants (SFI pilot), as the SFI Capital offer is no longer available.

  3. 'Where to use this item' section updated to include detail on SFI pilot.

  4. Added in links to Capital Grants manual as this option is now available for Capital Grants

  5. Information updated for applications in 2016.

  6. First published.