UP6: Upland livestock exclusion supplement
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the upland livestock exclusion supplement.
How much will be paid
£19 per hectare (ha).
Where to use this supplement
Available for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier
- with UP3 - Management of moorland
- where livestock are kept from the site for at least 4 months
How this supplement will benefit the environment
It will improve habitat and feature conditions.
If successful there will be:
- increased rates of heather regeneration
- improved rates of flowering of rare species such as spring gentian
- a regeneration of scrub such as juniper
- improved downstream water quality
- improvements in the condition and visibility of archaeological sites and other historic features
Agreement holders are likely to need to:
- only graze the land as scheduled in the stocking calendar, including a period of livestock exclusion
- agree where the excluded livestock should be kept and how they are managed
- stick to the minimum and maximum stocking rates for each month and for different types of grazing animal
Keeping records
Agreement holders will need to keep the following records and supply them on request:
- stock records to show grazing activity on parcels
- a stocking calendar approved by Natural England
The detailed requirements for this supplement will be tailored to the Higher Tier site. Applicants should discuss and agree these requirements with their adviser.
Related options
This supplement can be located on the same area as the following options and supplements:
- SP3 - Bracken control supplement
- SP4 - Control of invasive plant species supplement
- SP5 - Shepherding supplement
- SP6 - Cattle grazing supplement
- SP9 - Threatened species supplement
- UP4 - Management of moorland vegetation supplement
- UP5 - Moorland re-wetting supplement
Advice and suggestions for how to carry out this supplement
The following section gives advice on carrying out this supplement successfully but does not form part of the requirements for this supplement.
Natural England should agree that habitats and other features on this site will improve more quickly than under the current or common practice.
The supplement might finish before the end of the agreement if it is used for a period of restoration.
Plan for livestock exclusions
Livestock exclusions will usually be done in winter, but some habitats are different.
Be aware of exceptions, which include removing livestock:
- from limestone grassland from May to August
- from limestone pavement areas for a specified number of years
- during bare peat restoration works for a specified number of years
- from September to April during dry or wet heath restoration
Erect fencing
Consider erecting temporary or permanent fencing if this is a part-parcel supplement, as it helps when removing stock from parts of grazing units.
Further information
Read Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage to find out more information about Higher Tier including how to apply.